The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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11 THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN RIDAY DECEMBER 24 1920 BOSTON STOCK MARKET 68 NEW YORK STOCK MARKET 5 MONEY and BUSINESS 11 16 Cj 7 Holiday Im i4 1 3 1G 1 ago 1 f)W Clone 1000 1U Alaska Jun 1 7 15 9 3U 1A Bill' GOODS 1950 50 4 51 96 Uli 08 17 the more New 38 35 3 hi 3: Occasional 53 7 16 33 1 67 69 4 43 UNITED STATES 01 1 40 41 212 d'J GOVERNMENT 19 115 80 19 1)8 240 Gold 112 (par 203 cents per crown) 60 INVEST! 8 5500 Tifft Brothers IS IS IS 2512 07 07 114 4 6 3375 8400 6 6 1370 jt 24 40 60 39 11 Brooklyn Edison Co Inc 17 30 Series due Dec 1 1940 84 1 mu firm 101 ul4 5s C5 62 85 24 end or descriptive circular 148 148 The market HAWKINS WARD 38 62 GRAIN AND PROVISIONS a 34 li 25 4SJ BINK OE ENGLAND Christmas Greetings 451 9 P56 To All Our riends NEW YORK BOND MARKET 20 56 27 2 £2391000 16 Is 40 17 G00DIEAB SUMMONS QUASHED 12K 70 93 6 5 20 60 divtdcnd 95 Springfield Safe Deposit 48 OREIGN EXCHANGE and Trust Company 1255 7 4 10 Cor Main and State St Maa Mutual Bldg 33 CONSOLIDATED GAS ELECTRIC $150000 LIGHT POWER COMPANY ex dividend The Connecticut Blower Co Inc NEW YORK CURB MARKET of Baltimore irst Refunding Mortgage 12 Gold Bonds 8 TEPPER Treasurer Price 974 and accrued interest to yield about 7 15 40 JACKSON CURTIS 8 An Ideal gift Third National Bank Building for Christmas iv ell selected high grade bond 30 30 5 for our current Phone Biver JOHN The National City MONEY TO LOAN 17 CONN Company Oppenheimer ield JORDAN 16 I i 174 2 104 10 58 1 08 08 The market90 to Sc tor Yectorday Wednesday A week ago 6 1 1 14 32 50c 1405 1500 Opposite oMofHrt yel May 10 17 3 16 12 10 60 6 2 Cons At 01 03 1(1 15 1X35 1365a 5 31 loe 14 29 21 1510 1515 Adv Ruine do pref Ajax Hub 18 13 40 74 5 23 Ang A Oil Prairie of of 3H 15 05 07 3 16 48 rOb 75 101 44 31 77 21 59 85 W5 99 77 do do do do New do do 4 2i 51 54 61 76 19A0 1985 1X93 1295 16 16 66 2 4 01 13 16 is cat 63 97 1 14 11 29 8 12 42 50 55 7 64 t010339 4800 4860 592 593 28 1 96 77 91 04 73 37 48 63 15 4 105 37 Id 94 49 74 I 7 160501 84 32 80 66 8494 93 32 47 tiO 90 51 36 19 01 30 17 1 do do do do Un 07 1 73 92 00 2 5 1U 22 148 15 78 16 13 101 41 19 27 77 78 10 84 32 81 67 5 15 3c 1 3 08 24 bd 85c 40 39 57 78 40 1 3c 42 43 4 24 26 28 41 8 IVnrthlncto Dnildlng 0 110 Share 1210330 63 64 57 0450 77 1 45U2 12 14 49 12M 54 10 IV 7 1 3 16 50 5 60 76 12 IDS 25 05 31 31 1 01 (Ki 01 01 54 62 64 76 68 72 7 21 10 154 16 117 3 6 59 2S 18 72c 6 15 3 0 14 13 7450 7500 5 3 14 10c 2'4 6 17 30 45 12 14 55 25x 5 71 13 Midw Min MUp Mont Res Cont Eubt Holly Cons Dev lor Kew Sil Pk Zne 05 07 5 16 29 so 89 9 110 2 72 72 1 35 103 A 65 94 47 82 347 340 63 53 7 6 16 76 57 66 75 15 13 49 60 76 IS 4 1 17 17 4 56 7 7 17 23 41 64 62 25 58 67 58 343 344 30 17 tG 10 42 96 93 93 86 5 115 2 7 3 5S 18 4 16 1 1 16 1 1 3 05 07 3 16 5 31 10c 2 6 17 30 4 21 Sales 1000 1500 1900 17UO tWMJ 053731 11604 0501 01 59 18 4 16 65 70 170b 166 Phone Malum 2830 4 12 12 15 2 46 85 58 10 19 22 35 10 2 5 8 01 16 5 3S 20 44 75 74 294 10 ino 80 03 3 4 99 8'4 76 17 10 141 13 50 10 lfl flO 80 40A 30' 11 Vi 8 rto do dodo gestiong arc command IVi 2W 1)8 864 871) no 55 07 i 8fi4 67 88 7 17 45 SOc 1054 32'4 54 39 33i 74 90S 41 15 08 'A 7014 00 High 7O'i 6 2S14 1 1 14 1 7 03 With the ederal Re serve Bank back of us the country should begin soon to recover from the present depression andwe think securities will go along with business improvements 10 11 Two rears ago rom January 1 A year ago no ycas 8 3c £19 50 93 90 80 ioo4 There rale lower about qiKi 'JMTP The close wan a shade off from 69 161 15 Ixw 70 OS OS1806 90 95 4S 83 79 8984 8334 8421 8370 8660 do 7 pr aS Chile Cep Chino Coca Cola Col A 1 Col Col A Hon Col Graph do pref Comp Tab Consol Che do pref Consol Gas Consnl Tex Con In Cont Oan Con Candy Corn ro do pref Cosd Co Cruc Steel Cuba A Su Cuba Sulo prof De Beers Del A Hud 9 495 14 7 BOH 85 MEMBER HARTORD CHAMBER COMMERCE THE ASSOCIATION CONNECTICUT 77 BS14 714 7714 104 47 11 T4 15 1 14 29 41 40 7b 53 81 118 3 1314 67 70 3314 7Vi 1714 7314 25 16 1214 9 21 7214 7514 4 55 4 eoi 814 iiW 19 Va 24 34 104 430 103 312 96 77 91 94 73 62 12 3125 3135 173 10 It 05 31 31 1 0114 05 04 01 5714 8040 25 80 77 78 25 79 71 95 83 76 79 SO 52 81 tli 8 74 50144 Is 614 16 2 8 3 59 4 16 1 1 33 38 39 505 85 l9 72 72 19i 51 69 49 67 9 85 56 6 29 39 5 5 32 19c 2 6 17 10c 1 3C 53 24 9 60 35 51 72 73 17 4 54 73 4 1 25 4" 10b 60 90 30 6 29 Low 8970 8360 S46 8366 9100 8016 8402 9486 9486 bond 93 93 86 100 1(M) 100 UK) ioo 100 99 96 87 61 76 138 139 it inbat El Mart Carry Mar Rock Ch Alka Max Motor du 1st pr do 1st pr ctfa no xn do 2Rpr ctfs May Dcp Mex Petrol Miami Mid States Oil Midvale St new 8 8 Mn do pref do pref Mont Ward Mullin Body Nat Acme ctfa do pr ctfs Nat Biscuit Cloak GS 73 78 24 17 56 16 94 200 14 20 26 47 50 72 5o9u 96 81 84 113 44 192 33 24 56 6 90 81ot 8 3 Robbery has its terrors for all to day But why Arorry? Safe guard yourself by fdgninir up for orm of onr BURGLAR PROO 1 1 3 9 2 5 Al Pack Am uo Anae do 149 4 13 103 77 1 26 1 2S 3 1 3c 41 625 626 Gold Gold Gold Gold Great Bend Hecla Min Jrui Bios Jumbo Ext Knox Div La Mln Louisiana McNamara MeN Cre Marsh Min Maeun Vid Mr therlode 98 24 7 North Star Ophir Silver Prince Con Ray Cop Rex Koch Mln San Toy Sil Div Sil Lend Success Min Tuno Belm Ton Boy Tono Ext Tono Jim Tuno Tono Tono Tono Tono Unit Victory West End White Cap Wilbert 02 05 Den do pref Dome Mine East Kod Elk II Coal Em Brant End! John do pref Erie do 1 pr do 2 pr amous ri do pref ed 31 do pref isher Bod Mk Rub reep Tex Gast Wnw Gen A Gen Asph do pref Gen Cljrar do pr Gen Elec do rta Gen Mot do prefdo 7 4 Good do pref Granby Gt Nor pr do Greene Gnant Sue Gulf do pref Gulf St Stl Hasx Hartman Cr Hendea Mf Homestake rionst Oil Hupp Mot Ills Centr Ill Indiahoma Tnspir Cod Int Con do pref Inter Agrf do nref Int ITar lot Mot Tr do 1st pr Int Paper Int Mor do pref Int Nlckej do pref Invincible Oil Iron Prod Island Oil Jewell Tea do pref Kan Sou 50 93 90 SO 9 9 34 1 14 29 20 4 1 27 1 f)4 C9 17 15 14 19 39 48 14 5 37 9 11 7 18 25 53 C9 14 49 61 9 84 56 6 2s 3 19 72 59 96 80 52 05 70 I1 3 100 Stpd Nat Lead do pref 2d pr Nev Cop Air Bk Central A St Dork 53 97 33 39 77 104 45 8 2 3 7 Carann Hill notes jt 4 SI 1940 Int I Odd Mass Gas 4 1929 Swift A Co 5'e Liberty do 2d 4'b do 4 'a 1947 do 1942 do 4 1928 do 4th do Victory Tel Tel ifteen months of ral liquidation in busi ness has brought us dowiffo a level which in our opinion discounts the worst that can hap pen 23 17 i a Asked Bld 23 54 54 3" si 407a Stl pt Stew War Stroiub Studebaker Subiu Boat Super Oil Super St I 'Ten Texas Co Tex Tac 0014 IO T7H 76 9 IP in STANDARD INVESTMENT SECURITIES 100 ms 100 80 93 67 25 40 77x 70 7 3 16 1 74 74 4 91 3 13 16 14 29 21 7 BETTER TONE ON THE STOCK MARKET 3 1612 21461 lli37 1 7 160501120206 US 1514 7814 1614 13 102 333 31 3 7 56 114'4 12 15 1 1 IS 1314 0S14 69 3 110 5 87 10b 6 60 1H) rn Kayser Kelly Kelsey WhT Kenne Keystone Icicle 8teel Laclede Gas LK A pr pr Lee Jebigh Vai IjOVWX Iiic lx ft Candy Ixiriilard Louis Nh 02 105 1 56 ikS 35 38 20 10" '4 58 85'4 00 58 40 1514 46 Members New York Stock Exchange Third National Bank Bldg Springfield Mass 10214 57 90 29 6 4n 9 Am Oil Enc Aujobkeoa do pref Atn Pneu Service Am Smelt Ref Aiu ting Retiulng do pref Aiu Tel Tel Ain Woolen do pref Am Zinc 8 Anaconda Anglo American Arcadian Con Arizona Cum Atlas Tuck Balt Ohio Beacon Chocolate Bethlehem Motors Beth Steel Blirheart Ref Boston Elevated du pref Boston Ac Albany Boston Maine du pref du 1st pr A do 1ft jir do 1st pr Boston Hex Petro Boston Prov Boston Sub ElecI jiref Butte Ballnklava Calumet Aria Calumet Hecla Cjibon Hill Minins Central Leather Century Steel Chesapeake Gh Chic Stk pr Chic St 1 pr Chic I pr Chino Cliff Continental Can Copper Range Davis Daly East Boston Land East ButteEastern Mfg Co Eastern Co Edison Electric Elder Com General Electric do rights Gen Motors do prof Goodrich Rubber du pref Gorton Pew ish Gray A Davis Readlnc? 4'b St Lou San adj uo do do do 11 60 27 42 115 78 34 81 37 7Ri 52 81 117 3 13 67 69 28 70 16 71 25 32 81 6 4S 37 4 65 81 34 closed at 44fC for equal to 539c for for refined was nn flne granulated and be a moderate in Am Cot Oil Am Syn Am Express Am 6c du A tu Air Re Am Ice pf Am Int Cur Am Link'd Am Loco do pref Aju Rax Ain Ship Ain Smelt do pref Am Stl dy do pref Am Sugar du pref Am su Tub Ain Tel Ac Am Tub do pf do Am Wool do pxef Ain pf Ain do pref Anaconda Asso Dry do 1st pf do 2d pf Atuhlsou do pref Atl A AU AU ruit AGA W1 pf Atl Ref pf Atlas Tack Austin Nick Auto Sales Bald Loco du pref Balt A Ohio du pref pf U'nuidall A do Barrett ct Batop Mia Beth Mot Beth steel do do 8 yc Booth ish Br Rapid Tr do ctfs Bklm Gaa Brown Shoe Brunswick Buff Burna Br But A But Sup Ruttorlck Caddo Oil al Packing Cal Cal Arix Canad Pae Case I pf Cent Leath dn pref Cerro de Chand Mot Ch eg Ohio Ch! Alt Chi do pref ft do pref Nwest Chi Tnu T1 1 A 7's 3 3 3 97 1 33 4 2 40 104T84 30 IS 30 38 96 16 5 40 22 4u 70 72 77 I 66 76 77 1O1 91 80 88 100 98 100 81 94 67 138 9 37 107 38 do do do Quoted 4n dollars and cents per $100 at the prevailing market price to yield 2109 4900 300 1100 1300 200 200 4bu0 2HXJ 0190 Norf ft South Norf West North Amer Northern Nova Scotia Nunnally Okla ft Ont Silver Orph Otis Steel Owens But Pacliic Oil Pacific Dev Pae ft El Pan Aiu Pet do Par ft Blutf lenn It It Penn Stl Peu Peru Marq do prior pr do pref Phi la Co Pliillllps Pet Jones ierce Arrow du pref Pierce Oil du pref Pitts Goal Iit Ch itts ft Va do pref Pond Creek Pressed Stl Pullman Punta A lure Oil Co Jty Steel Rand Alin Ray Con Reading du 1st pf du 2d pf Rem lyre Rep I ft Sf do pief Roy Dutch SC Joseph St Jj Si ft Sw do pref Savag Ar Saxon Mot Seaburd A do pref Sears Koe Seneca Cup Shattuck Sii Tr Tr Sinclair St 8 St I do pref South 1'uc do rights South do prefStand OH 57 149 103 45 93 30 70 1CC1GO15 and May Corn gained 1 to 11 is 14 70c Denmark Norway Sweden Os Swiss Russian ctf Vienna 16 429 103 300 New York Dec 23 Several leading selling figoits stated tu day that ftlomestic cotton goods prices would he revised before the end of the year to accord with owet values now current in other lines Wide sheetings already have bef'n revised Inquiries for gouds havQ increased and buyers have stated that they would be here promptly after the turn of the year to purchase moderately The gray good markets softened a little Silk was unchangetL Burlaps held steadier Wool goods ruled quiet Third National Bank Building Telephone 325 Walnut Oil Oil 4xk 0 ji au Jt JU 64 28 14 126 03 197 18 51 t'STi 8614 SS14 100 56 101 21 97 87 83 39 10 4 74 2 67V2 115 34 l(k) 100 100 loo 100 100 9 3 97 86 95ca 37c 46 37 2o'm 114 914 493 614 50 85 1214 174 1314 43 7914 514 2214 80'4 1014 1214 f31i 28ii 12ii 92 186 14 59 Ji 2 85 OlljOS 111 4 1 Dec 23 Tho weekly of the bank of England following changes: 71ib 7575 No thief can break through our BURGLARY INSURANCE He may steal Ml else But there fltill remains our POLICY PROTEC TION 32 33 53 60c 103 68 3 46 t56 109 4 80 60 54 is 17 12 13 6 46 80 5 600 9800 6W 200 2O 41UO 78JO 26900 20 709 8100 1600 200 8600 68no 2H0 1300 16U0 5800 SOO 700 2'JO 200 4800 3700 2900 200 600 7100 2100 lfa 200 200 6800 700 300 69o0 39O0 8100 RO'S 1200 G800 300 0100 2TM) 900 2 600 83 27 ls 57 16 90 200 1 High 14 43 2u 1 35 195 2 5u 54 100 4 3li 10 6 48 38 5 65 81 4 4 Increase decrease par value 262 1 7 1635 1 7 160501 5 a7 30 3 15 16 4 40 79 44 36 11 44 70 66 12 38 30 15 53 39 31 101 4 1 io 43 1 913 16 4 5 4 40 4 3 i 16 4 1 62 4 2 394 473 49t43fcb Third Ave Oil Its Times 8q A Tob lrod dn pref Tr Cun Oil Tran Stl Twin City Union Oil Union Pac do jnef Un Alloy Stl Un Cig United Drug Unit ruit Un Ry Inv do pref Un Ret Stop I do pref Expr Pr US Ind Ale Real I 8 Rubberdo 1st pf Sm ft Rf do pref steel do pref Utah Copr Utah Sec Cr Vanad Stl Va Car CU Vlvaudou Wabash do pref A do pref It Web Hell Wells argo West Mary do 2d pf West Pac do pref Union Wepth Mfg Wh LE do pref White Mnf White Oil Willys Ov do pref Wilson Co Woolworth Worth ft 25 28 96 32 7014 4514 12 05 15 16 04 01 894 76 16 631i 28J4 126 93 197 13 914 1 18 508 15 32 101 53 71 75 76 74 84 102 61 73 GO 44 83 59 40 78' 3 7 17H 4r io 39 9 2 4 12 12 15 17 2 43 35 19 2 7 94 13 81 135877484 02 03 20 U1 3 13 16 Standard Oils 1G 430 103 312 Independent Oils 200 7500 200 5800 400 1900 GOO 700 3900 2100 600 3900 3000 9100 l00 14)0 200 1G00 200 1600 1000 400 600 1300 2800 SOO 4106 200 3400 200 1MXI 3000 1300 1090 600 tkx) 29 10900 49uO GOO 2900 1100 400 200 5100 3900 1300 200 600 209 2900 200 200 200 100 1300 400 8900 1300 500 400 3100 8000 1500 3800 2900 COO 900 200 900 3800 1300 10 900 3200 4100 900 2900 2400 290 6800 700 200 200 200 3XfJ AB EASTERN BATES (par 498 cents per yen) 4800 31 Tank a Ch West El conv 1133 35 1314 84 4 8 11 1116 1 60 "h2 26 4 2 42 115 3 78 34 4 Big Heart Buune Oil Bus Wycm Carlb Svnd cit ctr 19 13 6i 10 17 24 64 81 40 9 17 33 15 5 30 38 40 78 16 13 101 41 35 11 18 59 78 63 63 62 87 101 8T 200 12000 1300 1600 5100 490 200 lPiM) 1900 200 5 GOO 600 1UW 390 1900 12s 2U0 2200 100 2K) 1800 1000 1200 12700 1900 700 4100 19600 1600 900 1900 5hO0 200 11100 God 1900 2400 900 3900 200 UvO 4900 3600 1500 1700 4600 22900 1400 100 17100 15GuO 3900 200 ooo 1700 200 200990 9900 3900 3190 200 3990 2400 6900 20100 600 200 IKK) 4000 SOO 5600 900 200 5600 3900 2300 200 200 200 1900 300 2000 9600 300 200 200 3400 3100 200 27000 900 200 600 49100 3300 2100 700 8800 2900 5900 1400 83 103 (W 66 100 3 8 78 67 12 4 3n 4 68 3 4 16 36 It is highly appreciative of the evidence of public confidence and expresses the hope that this institution may perform a generous partun making 1921 a very prosperous year for all its customers 141 19 26 47 103 2 Tob Prod Tri an ilm Ditri ft Steam Ship Un Prof Sh Un Ret Wayne Cool Willys Corp du 1st pref 202 114 28 ai 56 6 In the fullness of the Christmas spirit the Springfield Safe Deposit and Trust Company wishes to convey to its thou sands of depositors and friends its deep appreciation of their continued con sideration and courtesy 83IXJ 68iM 32WI MIO 8100 00 3Hpi 200M Hl 111 6900 2oo 2900 3900 2uO 800 200 200 12900 200 200 200 L900 pno l4(i 600 200 400 800 1290 200 9900 400 4900 1509 200 200 200 200 400 400 1300 5900 900 300 1800 1200 200 1300 DOO 12 79 21 28 49 G7U 7H 85 6 8 Mining Stocks 7 16 9 Bonds 90 95 77 48 83 79 8944 8334 8424 8330 8640 8410 9500 76 Company does the entire electric light power and gas business in Baltimore serving a population of 775000 Population of Baltimore increased 31(o in past 10 years ranchises unlimited as to time 1814 1 57 2 1014 96 200 39 24 noleg reserve de kovernment secur increased £55000 The proportion the reserve to liability is per cent: last week it was 9G4 ir discount rate is 7 per cent 21 Cop Eq W3 Bridge 8t Strarne Building general 4 1953 prior lien 4s 1996 17 19 25 55 a2410 60 35 15 160401 40 79 71 79 95 77 49 63 (W 65 57 54 67 63 75 54 90 02 05 117 62 39 58 98 33 40 79 104 47 9 33 31 7 Victory Notes yield 665 Third yield 617 ourth yield 555 11 is Vs 26 Inc 1P60 1931 1 lien ser A Hen 5's see lien B's ger 33152 G1 21 66 67 OS 8 17 1S 8014 1 10 J21 2 4 2 4O 3 S9 7 64 6314 6311 88 101 87 77 81 30 10' 68 3' 4 17 9 11 16 1 1 Our Rervicer aud sug vour 30 3 2 4 25 1 13 1 45 1 37 46 2 75 5 69 3 12 39 322 53 81 118 1 13 CT 33 5 70 09 82 Merritt OH Mexico Oil Midwest It Mountain Noble Oil No Am Oil Chiu Kang Otimr Oil Peimok Oil Prcwl ft Hwl It Oil 8a1f Crk bait Creek Simms I Skelly UH Tex Oil Tex OH Vic Oil new Sales 200 2900 200 3S00 4 GOO 600 GOO 200 200 7100 1UUO 400 900 1100 1400 SOU 2UU 200 GPU 200 2UU 1000 200 1200 200 29 4100 10100 9300 lsOO 600 1800 200 7bOU 49UU 4G1K) IW 800 600 AX)O 4 00 200 1600 2100 14W 200 12UU lVOU 10300 900 1000 14U0U SOO 3000 TOO 19S0U 1100 700 5100 2v0 900 900 lVVO 2000 2UU 9UU 22700 16 Ohio Body Ojibway Old Colony Old Dominion Orpheum Circuit Osceola Pacific Milla Pere Marquette do preferred Pi eroe Arrow ond Creek Coal Pullman Co Punta Alegra Sag Quincy Hay Cons' Root ft Van cts Shannon Simms Magneto Southern Phosphate South Utah Superior A Boston Superior Copper Swift ft Co Swift International riant pr Trinity Tuolumne Union Tw ist Drill Union Pacific United Drur 1st pr United ruit United Shoe Mqch do preferred Rubber Sm Ref ft do pref erred Steel Utah Apex Utah Utah Copper Utah Metal Ventura Oil Vlvaudou Inc Waldorf System Waltham Watch Co BValworth Mfg Co Warren Bros 2d pref West End St Ry do preferred White on Willys Overland Wilson ft Co Wolverine Most Constructive Move ment in Several WeeksWith Closing Strong New York A pronounced change for he better fame over thotnek market to lay supporting ui ihrd of a substantial character 'iplcd with enforced short covering renuiiiag in ctreznu gains of 1 to upward of 0 points throughout the gcnejaJ list Altogether the move ment was the most constructive of uny in several veegs and Indicated luiisderatlon ox' unusual investment 50 77 30 10 3 4 23 13 45 37 Corporate Bead Am Smelt A Ref Ber A '47 71 Am Tel Tel col 1929 72j iU AUiU do couv 6's 1925 Armour ctf 4a 1939 Atchison adjust 1995 do geu 4 1995 Atlantic Coat Line 4's 1952 Atlantic ruit cv 7 1934 Baltimore Ohio 1925 do 1948 CIO 4 do 1995 do 6 1 fl 29 Hell Tel of Penn 1943 Bethlehem Steel 1st 1920 do funding 5's 1942 Iraden Copjx 6's 1931 Brooklyn Rapid Transit do 7's 1921 do conv 5's 1946 Ches conv 4's 1930 do conv 114 6 Chi Bur A joint 1021 do 4 lit div 1949 "Ill Peon! Kuert crirut cotrlll 4Me Chi Mil St 80 ser A do cv 1932 do cv 2014 a do funding 2014 Chicago Railwav 58 1927 Chi tt I ft Pacific 1938 do funding 1934 Chi Union Station 1963 Chicago ft Indiana 1952 Chile Opper 15 year 1032 do 11m St Louis gn 1993 61 Colorado Southern 1920 76 2 1 3 Net Close 70 Cubhing Pet Denny Oil Oil Elk Bur Pet Engiii Pet ederal Oil GilliUnd Gilland pr Granada Oil Guffey Gilt Hudson Oil Int Toondon statement shows the T' tU reserve decreased £2390000 circulation Increased £33 16000 bullion Incre £019501 other securities in creased £6708000 public deposits de er 'ted £5631000 other deposits in rr tit t( too i Heinz Int Iac Gas 33 1 I I 40 2 Helvetia Hendee Mfg Co Inspiration Int Port Cement Int Products Island Creek Coal do pref Island Oil Isle Royale Jewel Tea Connor I Kerr Lax La Salle Libby McLIbbyLoews Theaters 0 Maine Central Mass Mass Gas do pref Mayflower Old Col Mx Invest Mohawk Mo Pacific prfuHlns Body Corp National Conduit Nat LeatherN Telephone Nevada New Cornelia Now River pr Niplasfng North Butte Northern Pacific Pi improvement was ixoUnvUhy because of its almost un interrupt progress tetbucks were nominal' and mainly duo to tho desire to make profits se cure but the at tho Icose wa strong de amounted to fonspiruntis features of the a4 eubiced the oils shipping! i equipments sugars and vari va spt ciaitir which wer foremost in tho sharp reaction of the early days of tnu vtok Heavy odd lat buy ing was reported by commission Ibuiscs specialize iu such bust Rocb do 7 do Sinclair Solvay Cnl Certified Public Accountant Springfield Mans 5 General Mortgage 7 Bonds 8 Accumulative Preferred Stock Yield 941 PREERRED AS TO DIVIDENDS AND ASSETS Par Value $10000 Per Share ree rom Present Normal ederal Income Tax and Connecticut Property Tax Callable at Option of the Company Subsequent to January 1st 1925 OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY St and 11th Ave Ore 21 A rritiltar quarterly dividend of fl 50 per shore on the Preferred Stock and $2J0 per share on the Common Stock also an EXTRA dividend of $200 per share on the Common Slock will be paid January 15 1921 to Stockholders of record at tho clo of busi ness on December 31 1020 Checks wlU bo mailed 80 77 70 25 78 70 1'5 88 88 76 79 80 51 81 73 68 93 47 82 Indivlclui Instance of strength In cluded Mi xican and Pan American Petroleum United fruit Atlantic gull Bethlehem Crucible Vanadium and Pulled States steels' American end Baldwin locomotives American American and beet sugars ars Koebuck Virginia Carolina hemlccl nnd amous players There W'S a steady demand for high grade and inoculative rails at gains of 1 to 3 points The only element of heaviness was shown by oppu's and rubbers the fi rmer reiiecting the passing of dlvi nds uu Inspiration and Green Ca nnuea States rubber rallied lunuiUy at the finish more than i nV ring Itg 3 point setback M' riey and foreign exchange again 1 de exert any Influence the only feature In the international ti dit situation being the low record of liability reserves reported by the bank of England Ppecuk'tiva bonds scored moderate Liberty Issues but otherwise irregular To dsi' 3 (j rr value) aggregated $24 11 cnited States bonds werp unchanged on call I Inal prices of Liberty bonds were I1 1 4's 81 bid second in i'i llM 'IU1 third MtU Vi tury 4 S)49i) Prime mercantile paper 8 Ex change irregular Sterling 60 day and conirnereial 60 duy bills on loks 'commercial 60 rancs demand 591 cables 093 Belgian francs demand 623 cables 6 5 Guilders demand 31 cables 3145 Uro demand 341 ca bles 343 Marks demand 13S ca bles 139 Greece demand 730 Mon treal 15:4 pr? ccnt discount Time loans 60 days and 00 days six months 77i per cent Call money steady at 7 per cent Bank ac Ptancog Gvi Bar silver domestic foreign a Mexican dollars Exchanges 1 l8107ol bal S70407081 86 2 50 Liberty Bonds 4 High Liberty Loan 3r 1947 092 2d 1942 8384 1st 48 1947 8500 2d 1942 8404 2d cv 9 L00 3d 192S 8656 4th 1038 60 Victory 44 9500 9494 19 2J SROond 4V 'a SG iSfi fourth AlZu VI 9486 Victory Mlscollaneoiia High Low Latest 8 25 4 75 52 69 Al Br Cui Am illues Atlanta Booth Bon gt Mon Butte Colcd Min Cnl ft Jer Unndel Con Virgin Cortez Silver Cren Gold El Sahadur Eur Crve3 15 3c f'b 24 86 86c 37c 21 113 44 18s 33 50 2 54 4 100 3 10 6 54 38 5 f5 81 Chicago Dec 23 Wheat scored sharp advance In price to day helped by progress of emergency farm relief measures and by renewal of stock market strength as well as by large export sales The finish although un settled was 44 to net higher with March 1 Oats to 1c and provisions 27c to 35c Decided upward swings began in wheat as soon as trading opened The chief impetus appeared to come from the House vote favoring enactment of a tariff on imported farm products It was known tkat export business had been done overnight but the esti mated amount as at first announced was small Later in the session how ever the total was greatly expanded reaching 3000000 bushels and this circ*mstance together with material advances in security values gave fresh advantage to the wheat bulls Evidence that foreigners were after rye counted also as a stimulus to the rise in wheat Corn and oats reflected strength of breadstuff's notwithstanding that re ceipts of coarse grain showed consid erable enlargement Provisions were lifted bp by the jump of cereals and hogs The Leading ntnres Articles Wheat: December March May Corn: December May July Oats: December May July Lard: January May Rtb: January May 29 31 18 50 4 39 1" 80 4 2 "3 4: 85 1 54k rmiJ 16 8 843 93 32 15i 47 1 60 9 7214 75 li 17 4 55 4 66 2 at Chicago Close Yesterday's latest prices of exchange on all the principal foreign markets were as follows: European Rates In the table below the par of ex change on important countries culated from the United States 18 43 35 19 14 84 76 17 10 1 63 15 25 4 8 119 lfs sta 190U Stl cv 1936 Central 6'a 1977 Bower 1043 Tube 1942 REDERICK HILLMAN Counselor in OrmnlrRtinn Manage jnrnt anrf lnanne Prealdnt NEW ENGLAND AUDIT CO Springfield Nw Vork Rntnn WorceIr 9 495 14 6 BO 1 85 IS 1 18141 13 THE CONNECTICUT BLOWER CO INC HARTORD WATCHES AND DIAMONDS Ail bustnew atrlrtfr eonfldrntiai Dltmnndt rot eale st broker prime SOOM 426 MAIN ST 28 18 1 do 4 1935 Cduiiibu Ninth Av st Consul Gas conv 1925 Cuba Cane Siyjtir deb 1V3U Punver ft Ilio Grande 1936 convertibles A l'Ju3 I 1953 18 60 39 81 73 4 85 Yokohama Demand Cables Hongknp Demand CuVilnn StaHtiRhal (1913 aver 6619c per tael) Demand 7400 Cables 7430 (1913 arer 3244o ppp rupee) Demand 2525 Cables 2550 OTHER EXCHANGES Argentina (par 4245c per paper peso) SjKt 3370 Canada (centa per Canadian dollar) Demand 8450 I Brazil cent a per milreis) Demand 1300 I 53 39 lfs 32s Hi Price $8500 Per Yield 941 Par Value $10000 MAY WE SENp YOU COMPLETE INORMATION? 83 ioii 84 92 39 47 60 Send list of offerings luwcr or at the lowest level of the day ins bids fdllvw: January 444c March 464 May 479 and July 490 There were rallies in the market for coffee future today It looked as though eeatterlng long account had been pretty well liquidated on recent declines and WhRe there was not miKrb iiupruveiuent In the news front Brazil rwm seners snow hi it (opposition to their contracts for over the holidays was also a little Wall street or cotton buyinp and after opening three points to three nolnts hitrher the market aold 19 to 25 points aliove clostmr tations with March selling at 6Nk? MW 111145 lest under realizing but showed a Bet ad vance or ii to 0 (mints ciosme cumber and January 6e March 652 July 723 September 748 October ciiftee nominal Rio tp The Turning of the Tide (1913 aver 4944c per dol) 5500 I 5550 I 56 43 97 93 93 87 99100 1OU100 100 VO4 IM 97 oreign Bonds 97 You Cannot Stop the Thief But You Can Stop the Loss 43 17 284 13 13i 7 504 80 4 02 1 05 1 17 11 1 08 08 IS oott 2 Ou 15 16 04 01 Domestic Bonds 51 Norf Northern Pacific 2047 do 1997 Northern Htates Power 75Vj Oregon Short Line 1929 764 Pennsylvau 74 du a tii ctf (Bl 1968 8404 du 1930 102 People's Gas 1947 61 1997 75 1955 61 46U 85 I960 60 1950 1928 1041 Dividends Payable January 1st April 1st July 1st and October 1st Purpose of Issue The buildings occupied at present having been sold this issue is to be used to purchase a site and erect a new plant Columbus Dec 23 Common Pk aa Judge Kinkead to day sustained a motion to quash summons in the jit filed by rank Monnett for mer attorney general of Ohio and a minority stockholder in the Goodyear rubber company asking appointment of a receiver for the company This nullifies the action in this county it is said unless service can be made on an agent Third National Bank Building I Tel River 4500 I Market The market for the products manufactured comprises the entire United States Canada and practically all foreign countries and are installed in manufacturing plants of nearly every description This Corporation Has No Bonds or Mortgages of Any Kind intrinsic valuation of fheir standard coin in terms of American currency Yesterday Sterling (par $186 per sovereign) Demand 352 Cables 353 Bankers 60 days 349 do 90 days 343 Commercial 60 days 348 do 90 days 347 rance (rar 193 cents per fraiirl Demand A 591 Cables 590 Italy (par 193 cents per Ural Demand 341 Cables 344 relei tun (par 193 cents per trnne) Demand 628 Cables 629 Switzerland (par 103 cents per franc) Liemaua Cables 1527 Holland (par 402 cents per thirln) Demand 3146 Cables 3150 Germany (par 238 cents per mark) Demand 1 38 Cables 139 Austria (par 203 cents per crown) Demand 25 Cables 20 Greece (rar 193 cents per drachma) Demand 725 Sweden (par 268 centa per krone) Demand 1990 Cables 1995 Norway (par 268 cents per krone) Demand 1525 Cables 1530 Denmark (par 268 cents per krone) Demand 1530 Cables 1535 Spain (par 193 cents per peseta) Demand 1295 Cables 1297 iiiia ary (par 203 cents per crown) Demand 19 Czechoslovakia (par 203c per crown) Demand 116 Poland (cents per mark) Demand 19 inbind (par 23S3 cents per mark) Dernnnj 275 Rumsnin (par 193 cents per len) JJUllllUJ Jugoslavia Demand NW YORK PRODUCE MARKET New York Dec 23 Butter steady re ceipts 4885 tubs creamery (higher than ex tras) 6657c extra (92 score) 56 first (88 to 01 core) 44054 acklng stock current make No 2 2O21 1 Eggs steadier receipts 7177 cases fresh gathered extra first T475c first state Pennsylvania and nearby western hen nery whites first to extra 80(285 brown ex tra 794480 browns and mixed colors first to extra 7278 refrigerator first to finest 60a) Potatoes and cabbages unchanged Wheat sot firmer No 2red and No 2 hard $196 spot i track New York and No 2 mixed durum 194 i to arrive Cora spot linn No 2 yellow 97c and No 2 mixed 94 I New York 10 day ship Oats iot steadier No 1 white 62c Lard firm middle west $13751385 Cotttonseed rll steady prime summer low spot $8 January 840 March 899 924 Other articles unchanged The local market for raw ancar was again this morning and after selling at a fur ther advance of on sales of 4200 bags of in port at 1 offerings in creased and the market reacted again with additional sales of 3500 bags of erus In port at 1 5000 bags of CubRs In port at 4c cost and freight and 10700 bags of 1rto Ricos afloat all at equal to 539c for ppm Cubas cost and freight centrifugal chanted at while there wax said to qniry the demand was by no means active The easier ruling of the spot market caused considerable liquidation in the mures market and closing prices were 12 to 16 paints net Moody Bros Co Third National Bank Bldg Acme Coal Am Leather Am IIawa A Wr Ta Br Am reg du coup Bneynis Car Light Colonial Em Tube 3 ar Coal Gardner Mot Goodyear Tire do pref erred IT re Paper Hey Chein Im per Tob Ind Pack Limn Ixco Lin Mot A Nor A Pa er Peerless Prrfec Tire Radio Com do preferred Roy de Stun ft do prrferiyd 33 rJta Seaboard Air line adj rvutiierii Heil lei Southern Pac 1949 do conv 1920 dq conv 1934 do ftindiriff 4's 1955 Southern Railway 1956 do 1994 Third Avenue 1960 do adj 5'r i960 do 1937 Union Pacific 1947 do conv 1027 Unit Jt Rof ctf 1027 Realty Improv 1924 Rubber 1947 do 1030 8 Steel refunding 11X53 do reg 1963 Utah Power 1944 Virginia Railway 1962 Virginia 1st Western Marvland 1952 Western Pacific ser A 1946 Western Union 4lAs 1950 West Shore 2361 Westinghouse wl 1931 Wheeling Lake Erie Wilson Irt 1941 Wilson conv 1928 oreign Ronds Belgium external 1945 City of Lyons 1934 City of Paris 1921 City of Zurich Swz 1945 Copenhagen 1944 Dominican Republic 1958 Dominion of Canada 1921 do 1926 do 10 year notes 1029 rench Government 1945 unpan 4 9 jyii do 1st 1925 do 2d 1925 Switzerland 1940 of ft Ire 3 yr notes dn 5H rtf 1929 do 20 year 1937 US of Mexico 1945 do do do do General Electric 11'42 do deb 1952 Grand Trunk 1940 Great Northern 1st 4 A Hudson Majihat fund 57 iinijfis central 4 19j Uinois Steel 44 ltAh Intel bortugh Metro 4js do ctf 1056 Interburuugh fund International col Kansas City Southern uo a tyu Lackawanna Steel Lake Shore 1931 Lehigh Valley (Pa) 2003 Liggett ft Myers 5's 1951 Iorlllnrd Company 1951 do 1914 1 Manhattan Ry Guld 1990 uo Midvale Missouri Montana Montana National Orleans ft 5 York Central 1997 4Vs 2013 1935 col 1930 100 div 1998 58U York City I960 85 4 May 1057 90 Nov 1957 90 1948 MU 195G 40 York Ry ctf 1942 15 York State 1962 46 Telephone 1939 72 Westch'r 4 46 32 West cv 1929 101 53 7V4 Last Open High Low sale Ahmeek 41 41 40 Alaska Gold 75c 75c 63e 3c Allouez 10 Id 15 15 Am Agri Cbem 55 55 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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.