The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)

'i i 1 1 '4 Page 16 Wednesday Evening, December 22, 1943 THE APPLETON POST-CRESCENT REAL ESTATE SALE MERCHANDISE By RAEBURN VAN BUR EN Mother Knows Best ABBIE on' SLATS AUTOMOTIVE ANNOUNCEMENTS f'SUT-THEfE AKS OLDER MEN'CK IRUS WHO COULC LY-X WANT TO US THS irW PLANES TVS HELPED MAKS -jTikj tl SUT-TWBIE MOTHBllf ttA lTHKSS ALWAYS "OTTW -SAID HE COULDN'tXI DID XXI CZ1 LISTEN TO ANY firCXZSy MOTKm HOW HE WAS 6HAK- EMPLOYMENT SITUATIONS WANTED 27 CAPABLE WOMAN Of highest character, wants position as companion for elderly person. Write M-3. Post-Crescent. WOMAN wants to do housekeeping for single man. Write M-22, Post-Crescent.

IMPORTANT NOTICE! War Manpower Commission regulations require that most employees must obtain a s'atement of availability from their employ, ers or from the War Manpower Commission before accepting a lob with another employer. De termine whether you can obtain, or need a statement of availability. You will save your time and that of the employers. FINANCIAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES i ESTABLISHED BUSINESS for sale Small hotel with tavern, doing very good business. All finest equipment.

Good location in small town near Appleton. Ill health forces owner to sell. Wonderful opportunity for right party. Write M-10. Post-CreBcent.

MONEY TO LOAN 30 JOB LOANS Get a loan of $20 to $300 at Household Finance on the strength of your job without endorsers. Repay in Installments out of salary. $50 repaid in 4 monthly installments of $13.29 each costs only $3.16. We also make car and furniture loans. Special quick service on salary loans to employed women.

Loan Choose a monthly pmt. plan You Get 3 i 4 6 i 9 12 Cash Pmts. Pmts.Pmts.Pmts.lPmt8. oeir-J -zrr I 25 88.75 $6.65 60 17.51 13.29 $9.08 $6.7 75 26.26 19.94 13.62 9.41 $7.31 100 35.01 26.58 18.15 12.55 9.75 125 43.72 38.19 22.67 15.66 12.16, 150 52.43 39.79 27.16 18.75 14.66 200 169.80 52.97 36.13 24.92 19.33 250 I 86.99 65.98 44.97 30.98 23.99 300 1104.18 78.93 53.75 36.96 28.57, r. ALL WAS DOHA WAS TGLUN6 WHAT A CwEU.

DEAL. TWl I ARMY AVIATION OX06T CORPS S- AND MOW VOU COULD 0ET M-AND MENKy-HS KIND WBTVT WUf i AND TOO A AUTOMOTIVE AUTOS FOR SALE 13 Have You Noticed The Scarcity Oi Late Model Cars? Still Are Fortunate In Being Able To Offer You A Large Selection Of Fine Reconditioned Late Models. Look Our Stock Over! Come In Tomorrow! A 1 BUICK 6-Pass. Cpe. $1 OCf) Radio.

Ex. finish, tires lOUU a -j DODGE 2-Door Sed. $-1 -j rpj 1 Heater, radio. Like 1 1 OU new. a i DODGE Cpe.

Heat- $100 1 er. 1uid drive. Fully 1 UOU reconditionci. 41 PLYMOUTH 2-Door $Q7CI Sed Ex. condition vJO 405 CHRYSLER 4-Dr.

JOOC New Yorker. Radio, sJUU heater. Af DODGE 4-Dr. Sedan SQCO Good tires, condition OOU Ar PLYMOUTH 2-Door Snrn Heater. Finish like, new OU QQ FORD Tudor Sedan.

SCCO Here's a real buy OOU Apoleton Motor Co. Used Cars With A Future" 127 Washington St. Phone 3600 1940 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN Al! accessories, radios, etc. $900 G. Johnson.

End W. Spencer St. MOTORCYCLES, BICYCLES 14 BICYCLE Excelsior. new condl-tion. $25.

1013 W. Spring St. Ph. BOY'S BICYCLE Balloon tire. Excelsior.

1334 W. Harris. MAN'S BICYCLE Balloon tires. 1124 Oak Neenah. BUSINESS SERVICE T'ORING.

SEWING, DRESS'K'G 16 FI COATS CLEANED. RELINED. repaired and remodeled. RIGDEN, 214 W. Pacific St.

FURS Repairing, remodeling, restyling. 1626 N. Oneida Phone 915. ELECT SERVICE, SUPPLIES 1 BROWNING MOTOR PULLEYS for and flat belt. Electric Motor Service.


FEMALE 23 DRIVERS WANTED Women who can drive a car full or part time. Cab driving a war necessity. Earn and serve. Yellow Cab 214 N. Appleton St GIRL OR WOMAN For full or part time General housework.

2 adults. Ph. 2607. GIRL OVER 17 for soda fountain work nights jyeekly. Steady work In summer.

Apply Schlinti Bros. Drug Store. GIRL Wanted for steady position, in bookkeeping department at the Neenah Milk Products Neenah. WAITRESS WANTED immediately, also for Neenah around Jan. 1.

Call at Nygren's. 622 W. Wis. or Phone Appleton :637. WANTED ELEVATOR GIRL Apply Irving Zuelke Bldgr.

WANTED GIRL for assistant cashier, high school education, typing experience, age 17 to 35. wages and many other advantages that will he explained by the Manager. Apply J. C. Penney Co.

WOULD LIKE Competent, experienced 2nd Maid. With references. Mrs. J. Leslie Sensenbrenner, 256 Park Neenah.

Ph. 4188. HELP WANTED. MALE 24 BOYS 16 years or older to work 40 hours per week. Apply Apple-ton Supply 425 W.

College. BOYS We want carrier applications from boys in Neenah. Must he 12 yrs. or oldor. Call Appleton Post-Crescent Neenah and Menasha Office.

Ph. 4100 or evenings, call Walt Johnson, Ph. 2711J. DRIVERS Wanted. Full or part time.

Some physical defects no handicap. Yellow Cab 216 N. Appleton St. EXPERIENCED HELPER WANTED Draft exempt. Must be older man.

One who can drive truck. Year around job. Joseph J. Ciha, R. 2, Appleton.

FARMER with own help to operate 180 acre dairy farm. Must furnish references. Write M-17, Post-Crescent. HELPER FOR JANITOR No experience necessary. Apply second floor.

Zuelke Bldg. JANITOR All year around work, good pay. Write M-20, Post-Crescent, giving age, past experience as to stoker and boiler maintenance. MAN WANTED for farm and horse barn work. Married or single.

Earl Hughes, Neenah, Ph. 2275M. NEWS BOYS for paper routes, must be 12 years or older. Call 543, Post -Crescent office or Erv Krueger. 3407 HELP.

MALE OR FEMALE 25 DISHWASHER WANTED. State Restaurant. No phone calls. OFFICE BOY OR GIRL Must 16 years of age or older. Apply Appleton Post-Crescent.

SALESMEN, AGENTS 6 2 MEN for outside order dept. No age limit. Experience unnecessary. Can earn $60 weekly. Apply M.

D. Smith, Conway Hotel, I to p. m. III BBl I II III Jk. mmm HOUSES FOR SALE REAU ESTATE and Insurance Ap-pleton, Neenah, Menasha.

We rent buy and sell. Call Engel. Ph. 1T. WE OFFER J-apartment homes and a aelection of 4 to room i homes.

If yon are interested In baylnsr for Investment or your owi uss consult WM. J. KONRAD, JR i 198 N. Oneida St Ph. t4i LOTS FOB SALE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE i Seymour St.

A fine south front residential lot. All improvements in. Will sell er trad toward or 8 room ED VAUGHN Real Estate Insurance 107 E. College Avs. FARMS AND ACREAGE 69 60 YEARS SINCE I sold my first land and 1 learned that In order to sell a suyer what he wants, a personal Interview is necessary, so com In -and talk it over.

I guar antes a square deal on a farm, home or loan. 1 FRED N. TORRET Real Estate Loans Hortonvllle, Wisconsin 80 ACRES 43 acres cleared. 4 room bungalow 34 30: barn 84 36: shed 18 40: good cond. $1600.

Rudolph Christenson, Lakewood. Wis. 83-ACRE FARM located 2Vt mil. west of Royalton on Co. Trunk It.

Alton Schroeder, New London, R. 3. 158 ACRES Located near New London. 140 acres under cultivation, 10 acres woods. Very good land, buildings and personal property.

Thin is a farm you can start right In making money on as everything is in tip-top shape and it isn't necessary to spend anything to put It in good operating condition. The place is priced right. LAABS St SONS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 349 W. College Ave. Phone 441 FARM BARGAINS 175 ACRE 140 clear.

Near Black Creek. 40 cattle, 8 tractors, full line of machinery, $22,000 Vt down. 63 acres with personal property $7000. 26 down. 40 Acres Good bldgs.

$3800 down. Write Arthur Zuiches, Seymour, Wisconsin. FARMS? We have them. We can help you finance. BADGER AGENCY.

303 W. College Phone 1326. WANTED REAL ESTATE 71 60 TO 80 ACRE FARM Wanted to Buy With personal property in Winnebago County. Call Neenah 640. Gerhardt Agency.

Coming Auctions DEC. 29 Robert Knoblock, 6 mi. N. E. of Manawa, 2 ml.

E. of Symco. Col. A. L.

Schoenike, auct. LEGAL NOTICES STATE OF WISCONSIN. COUNTY COURT, OUTAGAMIE COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of John Lonkey. also known as J. H.

Lonkey, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that at a term of said Court to be held on Tuesday, the 28th day of December. 1943, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the Court House In the City of Appleton, In said County, there will be heard and considered The application of A. F. Zuehlke, administrator of the estate of John Lonkey (J.

H. Lonkey, deceased, late of the City of Caldwell, Idaho, in said County, for the examination and allowance of his final account, which account is now on file in said Court, and for the allowance of debts or claims paid in good faith without filing or allowance as required by law, and for the assignment of the residue of the estate of said deceased to such persons as are by law entitled thereto; and for the determination and adjudication of the inheritance tax, if any, payable in said estate. Dated 'December 6, 1943. By order of the Court, FRED HEINEMANN. James R.

Joyce Judge. Attorney Dec. 8-1 2 STATE OF WISCONSIN. COUNTY COURT, OUTAGAMIE COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of Ole Simonson, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that at a term of said Court to be held on Tuesday, the 2Sth day of December, 1943.

at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the Court House in the City of Appleton, in said County, there will be heard and considered The application of Mrs. B. O. Her-reid and Oden Simonson. executors of the estate of Ole Simonson, deceased, late of the City of Appleton.

in said county, for the examination and allowance of their final account, which account is now on file in said Court, and for the allowance of debts or claims paid in good faith without filing or allowance as required hy law. and for the assignment of the residue of the estate of said deceased to such persons as are by law entitled thereto; and for the determination and ad judication of the inheritance tax, if any, payable in said estate. Dated December 7. 194.1. Bv ordr of the Court.

FRED V. HEINEMANN. James R. Joyce, Judge. Attorney.

Dec. S-15-22 SAVED Fuel Rationing solved when you Insulate with Rock Wool Insulation Call Gold Bond Insulating Co. Ph lj7 INSULATE NOW AND SAVE FUEL No down payment 3 years to pay Factory trained crew or we loan vou blower free GAMBLE STORKS 33? College Ave Ph 4S57 INSULATE TODAY Every ton of insulation blown saves 2 ton of coal 3 yrs to pay Twin City Home Imp. Ph. 6834.

Rock Mineral Wool We blow attics and side walls. Expert workmanship Prevents drafts and cold rooms Save up 40 of your fuel Free estimates. Low prices and easy terms can ba arranged. THOMPSON INSULATING SERVICE. Phone Ha 10 State St Aooleton Wis.

lTHEsi i BEKOV ATISG BOX SPRING Inner spring, cotton mattresses rebuilt. Appleton Mattress Co. Phone 1852 614 App. TRDCKIMO VAN SERVICE Anywhere! Anytime! Agent Aero Mayflower Transit National Furniture Movera BUCHERT TRANSFER LINES 100 M. Superior.

Fk. 4W aRTiFiebT nl Tr I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I III I I II lULJ LJ L-ll I I I Who Can lf It ho To Call I INM l.ATIMi WANTED TO BUY 54 ATTENTION Call. Sam Shllcrat for prompt 'servi 1 end highest prioes oa rags, aaper magaslnea eto. Phone 1280R. BABY GRAND PIANO Wanted to buy.

Must be in good condition nd priced right. Write M-12. Post-Crescent. BOY and GIRL SCOUT LEADERS! For highest prices on paper, ret In touch with J. GOLPER, lilt N.

Clark Ph. 4240. -BOY'S BICYCLE In good condition. Ph. 3336.

CASH for your eld bicycle, washer and household' furniture of til kind -y GAMBLE STORES: 339 W. College Ave. Ph. 4887 GOOD USED 12 15 RUG WANTED Also woodworking tools. Ph.

7470. SMALL UPRIGHT PIANO wanted to buy. Ph. 7284. SPINET OR SMALL UPRIGHT PI ANO Write M-4, Post-Crescent.

U. 8. GOVERNMENT WANTS FEATHERS New and old duck, geese feathers. featherbeds, pillows, etc; ship or write trie STERLING FEATHER CO. 907 N.

Broadway St. Louis, Mo. WANTED TO BUY 38 cal. colt or revolver, also 45 cal. auto.

colt. Write M-18 Post-Orescent. WANTED TO BUY deer -skins and all kinds raw furs, rabbit skins. Will pay up to $2.25 for large muskrats, 10c per lb. for cow hides.

Geo. Block, Ph. 4400, 420 W. Wis. Ave.

WANTED WIPING RAGS We will pay 6c per pound for clean rags delivered to our office. No scraps, stockings, lace curtains or woolens can be used. The APPLETON POST-CRESCEN1 REAL ESTATE RENT ROOjWS WITHOUT BOARD 56 APPLETON furnished room. 4190. N.

705 Pleasant Phone 1660 or MORRISON N. 408 Furnished rooms, 4 blocks from College Ave. Ph. 2109. APARTMENTS, FLATS APARTMENTS furnished or unfurnished GATES RENTAL DEPT.

107 W. College Ph. 1552 CIRCLE N. 6 room duplex. Garage.

$30. VOLLMER AGENCY 604 Zuelke Bldg. Ph. 16 NEENAH Columbian Ave. 1 room modern upper for rent.

Heat and water furnished. $35. -Call E. J. McMurchie, Neenah Ph.

310. 223 Spruce St. ST(3RY S. 601 Lower flat, 6 rooms and bath. All modern.

Ph 1673M. SUPERIOR 1504 3 rooms and bath. Upper. Modern. Heat and water furnished.

HOUSES FOR RENT 60 6 ROOM HOME located on east Spring St. Newly redecorated. $40. HALL REALTY CO. 120 E.

Wisconsin, Ph. 7780 or 4410 BREWSTER 623 3 room, partly modern home. Garage. Available Dec. 12.

Rent $15. KIMBERLY REAL EST. CO. Ph. 780 HANco*ck E.

518 6 room cottage. Newly papered and painted. $15 month. Rowell Mfg. Co.

Ph. 1801. KAMPS AVE. 4 room semi modern home. Stove furnished.

$19. Inq. 724 Hawes Ave. LINWOOD N. Modern 6 room home.

Recently completely redecorated. Garage. Knoke Lumber Co. Ph. 868.

MORRISON house for rent. N. 1621-Ph. 7371. room ONEIDA N.

5 room modern home. WMred for elec. stove. Garage. Immediate possession.

Ph. 2407 BUSINESS PROPERTY 62 COLLEGE W. 427 Small business building (40 20) Low rent. Inq. 120 E.

College Ave. WANTED TO RENT 64 60 TO 80 ACRE FARM Wanted to buy or rent, with or without personal. Write M-16. Post-Crescent. 80 TO 100 ACRE FARM wanted to rent with personal.

Rent for cash or halves. Write M-S. Post-Crescent. 3 OR 4 ROOM furnished apartment. By middle aged couple.

Write M-S, Post-Crescent. STOCKED FARM Wanted to Rent for cash or shares, by experienced farmer. Can furnish character and business references. Write M-14, Post-Crescent. WANTED TO RENT Tavern with or without fixtures.

Write M-13. Post -Crescent. WANTED TO RENT SO to 100 acre farm near Appleton, with or without personal or will buy personal. Write M-5. Post-Crescent.

REAL ESTATE SALE HOUSES FOR SALE A DUPLEX FOR SALE Well arranged, close in. near church and school. In good condition, occupied by tenants who gladly pay $aS per month. You better see it. R.

E. CARNCROSS APPLETON PROPERTY bought, sold or exchanged. List your property with us now. LANGE REALTY CO. 10b Oneida St Ph 715 BUNGALOW Living room, kitchen, bedroom, large closet and storage room.

Sunporch. full base, cement floor, wired for elec. stove. 2 lots Cute little place. Price only $2000.

P. A. Kornely. realtor. Ph.

1547 We have them. We can help you finance. BADGER AGENCY, 303 W. College Ave. Ph.

1326. NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY A good home near Roosevelt School and Erb Park. Attractive well windowed living room, dining room and practical kitchen with breakfast nook on the first floor. Master bedroom, two sleeping rooms and bath on the second floor. Automatic heat.

The garage is conveniently attached. Well Worth Price Off ered $7500 CARROLL CARROLL REALTORS 121 N. Appleton Telephone 2813 IF YOU WANTJTO BUY SELL OR exchange cltyf real estate, ask DANIEL STEINBERG REALTOR 206 College Ave. Tel 167 SPACIOUS, substantial home located in good residential section. Convenient to schools and transportation.

Large lot. garage. Attractively priced. Hall Realty Co. 120 E.

Wisconsin, Ph. 7780 or 4410 bo'l AUTOS WANTED A-Lt More and More People Are Selling Their Cars To Appleton Motor Co. BECAUSE Appleton Motor Company will buy your car now pay you SUCH an attractive price or it treat you SO courteously maka tha entire transaction SO pleasant, that when the war is over and you want a car again, you'll buy it from Appleton Motor Co. 127 Washington St Phone S600 HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR TOUR CAR At TCSLER MOTOR CO, 118 Wisconsin Ave. Phono ni CHEVROLET OR FORD wanted to buy.

Must be In good condition. Cash. Write M-15, post-crescent WANTED TO BUY 1930 to 1933 Ford, or Plymouth. Ph. S667JX.

1007 W. Packard. AUTOS FOB SALE 13 GIBSON Has The Cars! Dwn. 934 PONTIAC Sedan 60 938 NASH Lafayette Sed. 165 935 FORD Coach 75 936 FORD Coach 100 939 FORD Coach 937 BUICK Sedan 175 937 DODGE Convertible Sed 200 935 OLDS Sedan 75 932 FORD Model Coupe 40 933 CHEV.

Sedan 941 CHEV. Town 940 STUDEBAKER Coach 937 CHEV. DeLuxe Coupe 932 FLYMOUTH Cabriolet 40 300 265 150 75 300 50 150 940 OLDSMOBILE Coach 932 PLYMOUTH Coach 937 TERRAPLANE Coupe 938 BUICK Sedan 225 1 930 BUICK Sedan 35 931 FORD Model A Coach 35' 938 DODGE Sedan 195 1 936 PLYMOUTH Spt. Sed. 110 937 LAFAYETTE Sedan 165 938 CHEV.

Coupe 185 935 CHEV. Coach 75 1 935 FORD Coupe 75 937 CHEV. Convertible 175 936 CHEV. Sedan 125 937 CHEV. Sport Sedan 175; 935 PLYMOUTH Coach 75 934 NASH Sedan 50 933 CHEVROLET Coach 60 940 PLYMOUTH Sport Sedan 250 938 FORD 4-Door 165 937 PLYMOUTH Sport Sedan 175 You Can't Go Wrong When You Deal With THE LEADER.

GIBSON Used Cars on Lot corner S. Superior and W. Lawrence St. 211-13 W. College Ave.

OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS No Used Car Shortage Here 85 Used Cars and Trucks" To Choose From GUSTMAN "The House That Satisfied Customers Built" Kaukauna SHERWOOD AUTO SERVICE '42 Buick '60' Sedanette '42 Olds '76" Sedanette 3 '41 Chev. 2-Door Sedans '41 Chev. 5-Pass. Coupe '41 Olds "6" Sedan '41 Plymouth Coupe 2 '40 Chev. Sedans '40 Chev 2-Door Sedans "40 Ford 4-Pass.

Coupe '39 Plymouth 2-Door Sedan '37 Chev. 4-Door Sedan 'S6 Chev. 2-Door Sedan '35 Chev. 4-Door Sedan '37 Ford 2-Door Sedan Many Others. Clean Cars.

Good Tires. WALTER YOKEUM. Prop. Sherwood Ph. 16 GOOD USED CARS 1941 FORD Coupe 1940 NASH Sedan 1941 NASH Sedan 1938 STUDEBAKER 1941 PLYMOUTH 5 1937 FORD Tudor 2-Door Sedan Pass Coupe 1940 PONTIAC 5, Pass Coupe JAKE MODER SERVICE ST A.

Ph. 938 S. Memorial Dr 1940 DELUXE FORD COUPE Radio, heater, defrosters, 2 new tires, others good. Just like new. Very reasonable.

321 Whitney Kaukauna. 1940 CHEV. 2-Door, radio, heater, road light. 17,000 actual miles. Leaving for army In Jan.

Make an offer. Ph. Menasha 959 between 9 a. m. and 4 P- m.

'39 CHEV COACH Good condition. Radio, heater. defroster. First $600. 642 N.

Clark. Ph. 2077 af-ter 6 p. m. 1937 OLDSMOBILE Sedan, heater, defrosters, very good tires.

A real bargain. 321 Whitney Kaukauna. 41 PLYMOUTH Special Del. Club Coupe. Good tires.

Van Zeeland Garage, Little Chute. 1930 MODEL 'A FORD Sedan. Motor overhauled. Fair tires. Reasonable.

1007 W. Packard. MONTJrS, CEMETERY LOTS Appleton Marble Granite Works. 918 N. Law St.

Ph 1183 WILL CEMETERY LOT S2S Pr Ingle grave space or $90 for lot of 4- gravea. Write M-23. Poat-Crescent. SPECIAL NOTICES CAKS repainted. S15 up Raya Body Radiator Service.

(Bad Van Ryzln. Prop.) 21S N. Morrison. FLOOR SANDING Sealing and Waxing. Richard Baseman Phone 8885 I NOW HAVE a spec.

mach. to sharpen cow clippers. Work guar. H. T.

Voight. 324 W. Wisconsin Ave. Call Farrand'a Tailor Shop for clothes outstanding in style, sound In fabric big-league value. Phone 6841 or 6243.

OUR CHECK UP Is your "Safety Insurance." We'll check your car on all parts and supply and repair your needa Plotter's Towing Serv ice. Phone 8Z cTTiTi-c oniTJPFVKr). lBc APPLETON BICTCLK SHOP. 127 Soldiers square. WILL BUT Tank type cleaners.

Any make, any condition. ELEC-TROLUX and other tank cleaner Service. A. L. Preimesberger.

Fn. 4620. ME -UDtafMA TRICKS 350 CHRISTMAS TREES. 60o up. Double and Single Balsam.

LAL'X MOTOR CO. Christmas Trees Nicest Selection in City. Balsam and spruce, priced to sell. Select vours under cover, out of the cold Jos. Kohl, W.

Wis. jut outside city limits. Open evenings also. Ph. 3483.

CHRISTMAS TREES Fresh cut Balsam and Spruce. 50c up. 205 N. Locust. Ph.

3SS. CHRISTMAS TREES Select Cali fornia Western tsaisam. ec iu Gambles Stores. 339 W. uoinge.

XMAS TREES vtL In i no 6no choice balsams. Also wreaths, etc. Edw. Bongers, 1103 S. Jefferson, across from McKiniey jr.

XMAS TREES 5 to 10 feet, all trees 75c. 312 E. North. LOST AND FOUND GAS RATION BOOK LOST Porothv Rollinson. f005 N.

Owais- s.a. Fh -A" GAS RATION BOOK Lost. Walter H. Arndt. R.

1. Dale. BLAiK co*ckER LOST 6 mo. old, male, child's pet. Ans.

to "nigg*r 715 N. Appleton. Fh. 369o. Reward Blue wool purse.

Sat. night. Please call 6417 after 5 P- m. Reward LOT Ration books 6 No. 3.

1 No. JlEdward. Leon. Dale. Franklin.

I es. Adris Kappell. R. 3. Appleton.

LOST Ration Book No. 3. Gloria Handschke. Hortonvllle, R. 1.

LOST Silver bracelet In Senior High school or on W. Winnebago St. Reward. Ph. 4S63.

RATION BOOKS 2 4s, one 3. Kenneth and Wm. Eisch. 1323 W. Lawrence.

Ph. 6369. AUTOMOTIVE ACCESSORIES, TIRES, PARTS 10 ANTI-FREEZE Get yours now at Gambles. (Bring containers GAMBLE STORES. W.

Col.ege Ave. Ph. 4857 COMPLETE STOCK OF New mufflers, tailpipes, springs, bearings, etc. SPECIAL! 5-Ply RELINERS Size 83.49 JAHNKE WRECKING Appleton-Menasha Road Ph. 143 ENGINE RECONDITIONING Get our estimate on a complete engine reconditioning job NOW! You an improve mileage, reduce operating costs and make sure your engine will Fee you through by getting a complete overhaul.

We'll be glad to inspect your engine, tell you what work it needs and give vou an estimate FREE! Come in to'dav. NASH SERVICE, (Dan Luebke. Prop.) 120 E. Wisconsin Neenah. Day Ph.

600, night Ph. GAMBLE'S VARCON Winter alotor Oil 60c gal. (in your container). GAMBLE STORES. 33.

W. College Ave. Ph. 4867 AUTO REPAIRING 11 MOTOR TL'NE UP for quick starting. Towing service.

Phone 534. WILT'S Garage. 1509 N. Richmond. RADIATOR CLEANING repairing.

100 circulation guar Reliable Bodv 713 W. Washington. TIRES RECAPPED and REPAIRED Prompt service GUSTMAN'S. Kaukaunn Phone 460 TIRES RECAPPED and Repaired. Guaranteed Tire Shop 7Z6 Colteee Phone 235.

AITOS WANTED A-13 For Your Car! We Can Use All Makes Including '42 Models SHERRY MOTORS Tour FORD ana MERCURY Dealer Car Lot. 314 Ave Phone 8002 Caraee 107 Superior Si Phone 3000 FOR YOI'R CONVENIENCE After firm Phone 6946 or 4118 We Buy Cars! GIBSON CHEVROLET CO. CASH' TOP PF.1CES paid for old or wrecked carat. WIS. AUTO WRECKING CO.

1216 E. Wisconsin Ph. 1476 CASH PAID FOR USED CARS. Ph. Sfi Sherwood.

W. Yokeum, prop. TOP PRICES PAID for good clean cars and trucks. All models. Ph.

Neenah 2052. SELL US YOUR JALOPY and buy War Bonds for Christmas. JAHNKE WRECKING Appleton-Menasha Road Ph. 143 CASH FOR USED CARS COFFEY MOTOR 103 Third St Kaukauna BEFORE you eell your car see CHUCK SCHMIDT at Schmidt Super Service 202 W. Wisconsin Ave.

Ph. 456 USED CARS WANTED Cash, no chiseling, all models. MOTOR SERVICE. Ph. 2170 Klmber- iy LATE MODE1 CAR wanted Phone Kaukauna 261 Cash.


Write or call Hutchinson. ml. N. of New London on D. Phone SS7F16.

SPRINGERS and fresh cows sale. 20 to 40 head orr hand at all times. Urban Fermanick, 6 ml. west of Stephensvllle on county trunk S. Ph.

810F6, New London. SPRINGERS FOR SALE Victor Voight. R. 2. Shiocton.

Ph. Grnvlle. 30F4. FARM LOANS A-33 PLANNING AHEAD Is good man agement. Good management is made easier with the use of dependable short term credit.

PRODUCTION CREDIT ASBN. 341 W. College Ave. Ph. 898 Loans' To Farmers Small Monthly or Yearly Payments 4 Chattel Mortgage Central Wisconsin Cattle Credit Co.

(86 Mac; St. Fond du Lae) Local Reo Wm Konrad 10S Oneida St Ph 106 FARM MDSE. WANTED HORSES Old or disabled Highest prices We pick up anywhere. KRUi-iL'S. 612 College.

Ph 3140. CLOVER and ALFALFA seed wanted. Will buy as is or cleaned basis. Send sample to Simon Schwaben-lander, P. O.

Box 774, Appleton. COWS WANTED Holstelns Fresh or springers. John J. Taggart. 628 S.

Telulah Phone 3696J. DAIRY COWS Wanted. Close or fresh. Ph. 7480.

Henry Emmers, 2121 E. John. HAY AND STRAW W'anted. Emll G. Krueger.

Phone 983F6. Kau-kauna. WANTED A herd of Holstein cattle or any number of cows or full line of personal property. Write M-21, Post-Crescent. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES 34 BROODER HOUSE FOR SALE 10 14, all insulated.

Ph. 21F2 Greenville. Our ELECTRIC BROODERS have arrived. If you are in the market for a brooder this coming season give this your consideration. BADGER STATE CHICKjERY.

FARM EQUIPMENT 35 1 McCormick Deering Milker Outfit with 2 single units. I Clean Easy Milker outfit. Track type. KOEHNKE FUERST APP. 1 USED PAGE MILKER now have several new Kite-Way Milkers.

VAN ZEELAND IMP. CO. Dealers in Case Farm Machinery Super Hi-way 41. Kaukauna, Ph. 172 ARRANGE now for your tractor overhauling during the winter months.

YER'S, Kaukauna, Ph. 398. RUBBER BELTS, all sizes. Roto Salt Blocks and Brackets, Plain, sulphur and Iodized blocks. GRIESBACH IMP.

Appleton. RITE WAY MILKERS Double and single units. Steel wheelbarrows. Ideal Water Bowls. Ed CALMES SONS Appleton Ph.

654 THIS MACHINERY IS AVAILABLE NOW AT SEARS FARM STORE Power Corn Shellers, 100 bu. cap. 14" Hi Clearance Tractor plows 13" Hay Chopper and Silo Filler Single and Double Unit Milkers SEARS FARM STORE 127 Morrison St. MERCHANDISE GOOD THINGS TO EAT 40 100 YEARLING HENS. roosters, and pullets.

Also rutabagas. 190S S. Jefferson. Ph. 4340W.

CHICKENS AND DUCKS Live or dressed. Wayside Market Garden, 2 4d3 N. Meade. Ph. 3195.

LIVEr FATTENED HENS and springers, best eggs. Black -walnuts. Brook Poultry Farm, Sher-wood Village. POULTRY FOR SALE Live or dressed. 2000 E.

John St. 1st farm outside city limits. DOGS, CATS, PETS 41 PEDIGREED Flemish bits. Ph. 7589W.

Giant Rab- ARTICLES FOR SALE 43 1 and 2 pc. toilets bath tubs LAUNDRY TUBS SINKS Complete line fittings. 1340 Wis. Ave. Ph.

3269 5 H. P. MOTOR 3 phase. Complete with track. Krull's, 612 W.

College. 5-S in. 3fi in. 72 in. 5 ply flat cut mahogany plywood.

Wis. Salvaging E. Wis. Ave. Near berly AMERICAN For sale.

7756. FLYER TOY TRAIN 1126 W. Harris. Ph. BARBED WIRE Just received small shipment.

APPLETON HARDWARE 425 W. College Ave. Ph. 1897 BATHROOM FIXTURES. furnace colls soil pipe fittings Richmond Plbg.

1505 Richmond. CHRISTMAS GIFTS Metal fire engine, hook and ladder, truce: child's pool table; 4 tanned genuine Alaska seal skins. 117 N. Park Ave. ph.

31. CLOTHES LINE SETS Barn posts, culverts, all pipes and fitttnga 1605 Richmond St, CRAFTSMAN 10 in. ball bearing, wood lathe, with compound slide rest, chuck and face plate. Accessories could be bought separately. Marvin Oelke.

Dale, Wis. EASTMAN PHOTO ENLARGER Complete with lens. $35. Also genuine Wollensack binoculars. $40.

Inq. at 1608 W. Highland Ave. ELECTRIC TRAIN New. Gilbert American Flyer.

Tru model. Krull's 612 W. College Ave. EVER-READY ELECTRIC WELL Pump, A-l condition $60: hand pump $3: oak buffet $5. Inq.

919 E. Pacific after 6 p. m. FLANNEL IRONING PAD. 69c 64-in.

bound edges with cord tie. Of long-lasting, durable material and smooth, easy ironing surface. Quick to slip off. on to wash. A big value to- dGLOUDEMANS GAGE, Inc.

FULLER TOOTH BRUSHES Start the new year with new Tooth Brushes. 35c each; I for $1. Call 1940. H. E.

Cotton, 1301 N. Richmond St. j5Z '1 II I frt On Atlrtisltf ne V- 1 MERCHANDISE ARTICLES FOB SALE 43 Glass Shelves All Sizes Made To Order 1 SEE US TODAY! APPLETON GLASS PAINT CO 410 W. College Ave. Phone 2838 HAND CROCHETED Table Cloth, chair sets, misc.

pieces. Excellent Xrnas gifts. Ph. 7726. JOHNSON SHOE SKATES Hard to hockey, $3.25 pair.

Wooden top Holland racing skates, J3.25 pair. 6 ft. Strand skis, $3. Sleds, 2.75 up. REINKE COURT HDW 322 N.

Appleton St. Ph. 386 KITCHEN APRON SINK 20 62. Wis. Salvaging Wis.

Ave. Near Kimberly. KODAK Eastman, cine cabinet, open men's Ehoe skates, shovel. Ph. 6754.

3-A. Medi-book case, size 8, coal LIONEL ELECTRIC TRAIN, automatic uncoupling, log loader, side track and switches, mounted on table. Also some pictures. 725 S. Park, Neenah.

Ph. 3230. METAL TOYS English cab, doll buggy, lge. tricycle4 pumpmobile, fire engine, scooter, lge. horse, child's table, dolls, swings, shoe skates, skiis.

etc. 1020 N. Rtch-niond. Ph. 6985.

NEW HOT WATER Tanks and Colls. All sizes. Wenzel Bros. 421 W. College Ph.

130. NOT RATIONED Automatic Fire Extinguishers for your home and family con stant protection. Detects, sounds alarm, and extinguishers In one operation. You need not be at home. 96 successful where used.

DON'T TAKE CHANCES. Call 807 W. Wisconsin Ave. or Tel. 3959.

REMINGTON TYPEWRITER 11 Inch, Pica Type, reconditioned. $26.00. Call 140. STEAM HOT WATER RADIATORS for sale. Wis.

Salvaging Co E. Wisconsin Ave. near Kimberly. STUDIO COUCH Toboggan, white enamel chest of drawers, table, rocker, 2 wardrobes. Ph.

6220 after 8 p. in. TRICYCLE 1 child's auto, wagon, truck, steam roller, doll buggy, baby bed. Ph. 3336.

USED HEATROLAS Also new grates firepots. W. Wis. Ph. 3269.

1340 SPECIALS AT THE STORES 44 LOW-PRICED CHRISTMAS GIFTS! Brand new stock. Metal smokers, $1.25 up. Framed pictures. $1.98 up. Hassocks.

$1.50 up. Electric mantel clocks. $9 95. WICHMANN. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 1 USED KITCHEN CABINET.

6 dining rm. tables and chairs, buffet, davenport, piano bench, baby buggy, beds, vlctrola, oil burner $12.50, Ice boxes, gas stove, circulating heater, (2) 5 burner oil ranges, sewing machine. library tables, bird cages with stand, outdoor tree lights and shoe skates. KIMBALL HARDWARE 10 N. Morrison Ph.

52 32-35 AND 53 PIECE Dinnerware Sets, $3.95 to $21. 95. VERKUILEN FURNITURE, Little Chute. A FEW MORE new warm morning heaters. 5 burner oil range, good condition.

Out. 632 W. College. Comb. City Gas and Wood Stove $19.95 Table Top Kerosene Stove 39.50 5 pc.

Kitchen Set 6.95 GAMBLE STORE 339 Wr. College Ave. Ph. 4857 DAVENPORT AND CHAIR Large size baby bed. Innersprlng ma-tress.

1334 W. Harris. DINING AND LIVING ROOM SETS In good condition. Reasonable. Oscar Wolf.

1 mi. S. of Sherwood. DR I GAS STOVE 3-burner, with oven. A-l cond.

Ph. Neenah 800 days or 27F2 after 5:30. LARGE DOLL CARRIAGE. electrical steam engine, both like new. Other toys.

Call at 215 W. Commercial St. LIQUOR CABINET Complete with glasses, shakers, etc. Like new. 731 y.

innebago St. OIL HEATER Will heat 4 rooms comfortably. Mahogany rocking chair, pull-up chair. Ph. 4105R.

REFRIGERATOR 5 cu. ft. Norge. Late model. About 3 years old.

Perfprt condition. Ph. 5408. Repairs ts Supplies. SEWING MACHINE SERVICE.

408 College Ph 307 STEWART GAS RANGE Right hand oven, high model. Also 3 burner Stewart gas plate. 129 W. Foster. WASHING MACHINE SERVICE.

Wringer Rolls, parts for all makes GOOD HOUSEKEEPING SHOP 611 College. Ph 674 WE BUY and sell used furniture and stoves. Kimberly Second Hand Store. Phone 9710J3. WEARING APPAREL 46 BOY'S JACKETS sheeplined.

size 16. 6 snow suits. 2 to 12 yrs. Baby equip. Young man's blue suit, size 36.

Also shoe skates, etc. Ph. 59S5. GIRL'S TAN REVERSIBLE COAT 16. In good condition.

2 boy's coats 16. Exc. cond. Ea. $3.50.

620 N. Meade after 4 p. m. RADIOS, RADIO EQUIPMENT 47 EMERSON RADIO Table model. 1 vear old.

$30. 309 W. College. Ph. 391.

RADIO FOR SALE Used, General Electric, 9 tube console. $25. 821 W. Winnebago St. USED CORONADO and RCA radios.

In excellent condition. New Motorola, push button. Ol walnut consoles. Inq. S.

Beguhn at Sears Auto Department after 4 p. m. MUSICAL MERCHANDISE 4 ALTO SAXOPHONE Silver, gold bell, new condition. Ph. 63 Kaukauna.

CORNETS Trumpets and trombones from $10 up. Beirnard Music Store. 304 N. Appleton St. UPRIGHT PIANO with bench.

Very goad condition. Reasonable. Ph. 6255. BUSINESS OFFICE EQUIP 50 E.

W. SHANNON, Everything for the Office. Typewriters, add. cash reg. We buy, sell, rent, repair.

COAL. WOOD, FUEL 53 $2.50 $3.00 per cord for kindling and slabs. Phone 3483. PHONE 613 for Clean COAL. J.

P. Laux Sons. 903 N. Union St. EVERY DAY these ads start many people on the highway to happiness.

Payments include charges at the rate of 2Vi Per month on that part of balance not exceeding $100 2 per month on that part of a balance in excess of $100 but not exceeding $200 and 1 per month on any remainder. Household Finance CORPORATION 206 Irving Zuelke 2nd Fl. 103 West College Ave. G. FRE1.

Mgr. Phone 861 Loans arranged by mall for out of town customers. NEED MONEY? See DOMESTIC FINANCE A good place to talk money. Your loan is important to you and us. Before you decide to borrow come in and talk things over with one of our courtesy men.

'Phone or write if you prefer. We never urge you to borrow unnecessarily, but in cases of emergency a quick cash loan may be the answer to your money problem. Loans are made on signature, auto or furniture no endorsers required. Special loan department for women. DOMESTIC FINANCE CORPORATION "A Friendly Place to Borrow" G.

KALLGREN. Mgr Second Floor Bahcall 338-344 W. Coll. Ave. Phone 892 Listen to Domestic News Roundup Radio Station WTAQ Sundays through Saturdays.

6:30 to 6:45 p. m. Mail Loans Arranged For Residents in Neighboring Towns. FOR YOUR MONEY NEEDS Convenient and Prompt Loans on Signature Auto Livestock Furniture Tractors. Amount I 6 of Cash Mos.

Borrowed Loan 10 Mos. Loan 12 Mos. Loan 60.00 125.00 150.00" 200.00 300.00 8.88 i 5.55J i H-00 21790 "32.72 27.72 2 21 4 2661 35.26J "62T77 I 400.00 70.27 43.641 36.87 APPLETON FINANCE CO. "The Locally Owned Co." 821 College Ave Phone 73 Ask for Mr. Wheian or Mr.

Begllnger CASH LOANS On Tour Car or Truck. AUTO ACCEPTANCE LOAN Corp. Dave Jacobson Mgr 109 8. Appleton St. Ph.

272 MONEY to loan on residential property within forty miles of Apple-ton. Write K-14. Post-Crescent. FARMERS' MARKET LIVESTOCK COWS AND HEIFERS Registered and Grade Guernsey. Some fresh.

Albert Hubs, Appleton, R. 4, near Freedom. HOLSTEIN BULLS Registered. Ready for heavy service. Record dams, bancs accredited herd.

Team horses, cheap. Emll Krueger, Kaukauna. Ph. MFC.

The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)


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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.