Homemade Dog Food for Liver Disease Recipe (How-To Video) (2024)

Table of Contents

  • Homemade Dog Food for Liver Disease Recipe
    • Ingredients
    • Directions
  • Creating a Diet for a Puppy
  • More Information on Dog Liver Disease
    • A Quick Overview of Canine Liver Disease
    • Warning Signs of Liver Disease in Dogs
      • Jaundice
      • Gastrointestinal Problems
      • Hepatic Encephalopathy
      • Other Potential Symptoms
  • Potential Causes of Liver Disease in Dogs
  • Common Questions about Feeding Dogs with Liver Problems
    • What Is the Goal of the Proper Diet for Poor Liver Function?
    • What Foods Are Good for Dogs with Liver Disease?
    • What Should Dogs with Liver Problems Not Eat?
    • How Do You Treat a Dog with Liver Disease Naturally?
    • How Can I Improve My Dog's Liver Function?
    • Can a Dog's Liver Repair Itself?

Unfortunately, for dogs diagnosed with liver disease, there are no specific treatments available.

The only way to treat liver disease in dogs is to adjust their diet and ensure they're always well-hydrated.

This homemade dog food for liver disease recipeI show you in the video above and discuss later in this article is specifically designed to help with the condition.

Like in humans, the canine liver is a vital organ involved with almost every process and is directly responsible for many functions in the body.

Homemade Dog Food for Liver Disease Recipe (How-To Video) (2)

It also plays a significant role in a dog's immune system and ability to fight off diseases. Dogs with liver disease are at more risk of contracting many other illnesses, which is why it's essential to treat them immediately.

Having your dog diagnosed with the liver disease means that you will need to change this diet.

Even though some commercial dog food brands for liver disease, many vets recommend making your homemade dog food for liver disease.

Ultimately, the severity of your dog'scondition will dictate the specific nutritionalrequirements.

Before you try this homemade dog food recipe for liver disease, you must speakwith your veterinarian.

Do notswitchyour dog to a homemade diet until then. When it comes to canine liver disease, any changes to what your dog eats should be made with extra care and caution.

The reason being is because this condition is susceptible. If your dog receives too much or too few specific nutrients, that could accelerate the progression of his liver disease condition.

Your veterinarian may even refer you to a canine nutritionist for testing and a more detailed nutritional plan, so make sure you check with them beforehand.

If your dog has a sensitive stomach, this condition especially needs careful monitoring.

Now, if you've already spoken with your vet about your dog's condition and you're looking for homemade dog food for liver disease recipe, this one may be right for your Fido.

Note: We created this homemade dog food recipe for a dog weighing about 50 pounds.


Homemade Dog Food for Liver Disease Recipe


  • 3/4 cup low-fat cottage cheese
  • 1/2 cup cooked, diced chicken
  • 1/2 cup cooked oatmeal
  • One boiled egg
  • 1/2 cup canned pumpkin


The best thing about this homemade dog food for liver disease recipe is straightforward to make. As you see in the video, with about 15-20 minutes of prep work, you'll have a meal ready to serve to your Fido.

The more often you do this, the quicker the process becomes.

You'll have to get used to repetition since there aren't that many dog food choices for dogs with liver disease, so their diet will be pretty mundane for a while.

Start by cooking the chicken any way that you prefer. You can boil it, bake it or cook it in a frying pan on your stovetop – it doesn't matter, as long as it is thoroughly cooked. You'll also need to boil the egg in advance and cook the oatmeal.

Once those three ingredients have been cooked, all you need to do is mix it all. You'll want to chop the egg and cube the chicken.

Then you can combine all five ingredients in a large mixing bowl.

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As you can see, this homemade dog food for liver disease recipe doesn't look very appetizing to us.

But trust me when I tell you that your dog will completely disagree. The aroma of the chicken, egg, and cottage cheese will drive him wild! See my boxer, Chloe, devouring her meal below.

Creating a Diet for a Puppy

When you're trying to create a diet for a puppy with liver disease, there are a few things you want to focus on, including:

  • high quality, easily digestible protein sources
  • low in copper and sodium (stay away from organ meat, especially liver)
  • high in antioxidants
  • high in fat (your vet may recommend 20-50% fat in your dog's diet)

Carbohydrates are another nutrient that will need to be provided in your dog's diet. They aid in digestion and add fiber to his diet.

Carbohydrates also help to remove ammonia from the system, which the liver may not be able to do on its own anymore.

Your veterinarian may also recommend certain supplements to add to your homemade dog food. Popular accessories for pets with a failing liver include Vitamin E,Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and Zinc.

The necessity of these supplements will depend on your dog's unique condition, so don't add them unless directed to by your veterinarian or a canine nutritionist.

This recipe will make about 3 cups of dog food. You can serve it to your pet as soon as it is thoroughly mixed.

Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. You can also make a larger batch and store it in an airtight container in the freezer for up to 2 months.

More Information on Dog Liver Disease

Knowing good dog food recipes for liver failure or disease is just one part of taking care of your pup with liver issues.

You should also make sure to have a semi-thorough understanding of the disease itself. While your vet can answer your questions, it is helpful to know what to expect with dogs with liver disease.

A Quick Overview of Canine Liver Disease

Canine liver disease (CLD) negatively affects the way that your dog's liver functions. In mild cases, the liver only slows down.

In severe cases, your dog may experience liver failure. The disease typically worsens over time, but catching it early and adjusting your dog's diet can help fight it.

To understand CLD, remember that the liver removes toxins and external waste from the body. If your dog has CLD, the liver can't effectively expel these toxins and waste. This lets those harmful substances build up.

Another function of the liver is producing bile. Bile helps with digestion, which is why liver issues can negatively affect the digestive system.

The good news is that the liver can regenerate with proper care.

Warning Signs of Liver Disease in Dogs

One of the first steps to creating a dog liver disease diet is recognizing that your dog has issues with his liver.

Your vet can diagnose liver damage, but you need to know to take your pup to the vet in the first place.

If you notice any of the following signs, your dog's health, precisely that of his liver, maybe at risk.


Jaundice is when the skin has a yellowish tinge. Because of their fur, jaundice on canines is most noticeable by their ears, gums, and eyes.

Gastrointestinal Problems

Issues with your dog's liver function can lead to a range of GI issues. These may include excessive urination, weight loss, vomiting, decreased appetite, diarrhea, visibly increased thirst, or changes to his stool color.

Hepatic Encephalopathy

Hepatic encephalopathy refers to a variety of neurological symptoms that are a result of liver issues.

Dogs with these symptoms may experience personality changes, anxiety, blindness, disorientation, seizures, or confusion. The combination of symptoms is a severe brain condition.

Other Potential Symptoms

In addition to the symptoms already mentioned, the following are other potential signs that your dog's liver health needs attention:

  • Lethargy
  • Blood in feces or urine
  • Play bowing
  • Instability while walking
  • Abdominal swelling
  • Licking lips
  • Itching
  • Muscle wastage (but in advanced cases)

The exact symptoms will depend on the type of liver disease that your dog has. Hepatic encephalopathy is one type. Others include:

  • Acute liver failure: This is when the liver suddenly loses function. It is commonly linked to blood clotting problems and neurological issues.
  • Chronic hepatitis: This is the most common liver disease affecting dogs. Numerous potential risk factors include genetics, infectious agents, copper, severe trauma, and infections.
  • Portosystemic shunts: Most dogs are born with this issue but can also develop the following illness. This condition, PSS, is when an abnormal vein connects the blood supply from the intestines with the vein that brings blood to the heart. The abnormal vein bypasses the liver or “shunts” the blood flow past the liver.

Potential Causes of Liver Disease in Dogs

You can control some of the potential causes of liver problems in your canine but not all. Some possible reasons include:

  • Poor diet
  • Stress
  • Endocrine disease
  • Copper toxicity
  • Infectious agents, including viral ones or leptospirosis
  • Certain pharmaceuticals
  • Severe trauma

Common Questions about Feeding Dogs with Liver Problems

Have lingering questions about caring for dogs with liver problems, specifically what to feed your pup? The following should answer them for you.

What Is the Goal of the Proper Diet for Poor Liver Function?

There are a few primary goals when developing a diet for dogs with liver disease.

You want to give your pup enough nutrition so he can maintain his overall health and energy.

Also, you want to encourage liver regeneration while reducing stress on the liver.

You also want to prevent complications.

Finally, you want to prevent copper and other substances from accumulating in the liver and further damaging it.

What Foods Are Good for Dogs with Liver Disease?

Dogs with liver disease should eat some dairy products, with ricotta cheese, cottage cheese, goat cheese, and yogurt is good options.

You should give your pup high-quality protein sources, such as fish, eggs, boneless chicken, and boneless turkey.

Importantly, you want to choose protein sources that are low in copper. Limit pork, salmon, lamb, and duck, all of which are high in copper.

Fish oil is also a good addition, thanks to its omega-3 fatty acids. Ensure your dog gets soluble fiber with plain canned pumpkin, barley, white rice, or oatmeal.

Your dog can also enjoy coconut oil, seedless watermelons, papayas, figs, blueberries, and other fruits.

What Should Dogs with Liver Problems Not Eat?

If your dog has liver issues, avoid giving him fish or organ meats that are high in purines. It would help if you also avoided meats with high copper content.

How Do You Treat a Dog with Liver Disease Naturally?

Diet changes are an essential part of treating your dog's liver problems. Your vet may also suggest supplements like milk thistle or SAM-E. In the case of infections, your vet may suggest antibiotics as well.

How Can I Improve My Dog's Liver Function?

The most crucial step is to consult your dog's vet. They will recommend any dietary or lifestyle changes as well as medications.

For example, they are likely to suggest a diet high in fat and low in protein.

Can a Dog's Liver Repair Itself?

The term liver regeneration can be somewhat confusing. That is because the liver can heal itself, but only up to a certain point.

Once the liver disease becomes terminal, it is too late to reverse the damage. Before this, however, you may be able to restore your dog's normal liver function.

Whether your dog's liver can repair itself depends on the severity of the disease, how early you catch it, and the cause of the disease.

WATCH NEXT:How To Make Homemade Dog Food – Instructional Video

Homemade Dog Food for Liver Disease Recipe (How-To Video) (2024)


Homemade Dog Food for Liver Disease Recipe (How-To Video)? ›

A homemade liver-friendly diet can be a tasty alternative to a convenience liver diet. In this case a moderate supply of protein, copper and vitamin A is recommended. With meat, carbohydrates, dairy products, vegetables, oils and our Vitamin Optimix Hepatic you create a liver-friendly diet.

What to feed a dog with liver disease homemade? ›

A homemade liver-friendly diet can be a tasty alternative to a convenience liver diet. In this case a moderate supply of protein, copper and vitamin A is recommended. With meat, carbohydrates, dairy products, vegetables, oils and our Vitamin Optimix Hepatic you create a liver-friendly diet.

What is a fresh food diet for dogs with liver disease? ›

Key components of a liver diet for dogs

Lean proteins: High-quality, lean proteins such as chicken, turkey, and fish are essential for dogs' liver health. These proteins are easily digestible and provide essential amino acids that support liver function.

Are eggs good for dogs with liver disease? ›

Eggs are one of the best sources of protein for dogs with liver disease. As they're nutrient-rich and gentle on digestion, eggs are a tasty alternative to meat protein sources (especially red meat) as part of a hepatic diet.

What is the veterinary diet for liver disease? ›

Most protein-restricted diets are used in dogs with chronic, severe liver disease, or portosystemic vascular anomaly (PSVA). If a dog responds well to an initial protein restriction, ~0.25−0.5 g/kg/d can be added, using a tofu- or dairy-based protein source or, if necessary, white meat chicken.

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Foods Sources To Include in a Diet For Dog's with Liver Disease
ProteinsFats & OilsCarbohydrates
FishLiver Fat ExtractDefatted Wheat Germ
KidneyCoconut OilRice Bran
EggsAvocado OilBuckwheat Leaf Juice & Seed
YogurtOlive OilBlueberries
3 more rows

Is white rice good for dogs with liver disease? ›

White rice, potatoes, and vegetables are good source of simple and complex carbohydrates for pets with liver diseases.

What is the best protein for dogs with liver disease? ›

Protein with high biological values leaves less waste behind. Good proteins to feed for liver disease are eggs for the most bioavailable protein and choline content, poultry and a little fish such as sardines, salmon and cod. Other proteins to include would be lean meats such as venison, ostrich and kangaroo.

How do you make liver food for dogs? ›

In a medium-sized pot, add cleaned chicken livers and about an inch of water, then place on the stove over high heat. Once boiling, reduce the heat to a light boil for about 10-15 minutes. Don't add any additional seasoning or ingredients- the livers will taste great to your dog all by themselves.

What not to feed a dog with high liver enzymes? ›

“Things like organ meats and fish contain higher levels of certain compounds (purines, some of the amino acids) that can be particularly harmful for dogs with bad liver disease.

Is oatmeal good for dogs with liver disease? ›

Oatmeal contains soluble fiber that can help remove ammonia from your dog's system. This is good for your dog's liver because now the liver doesn't have to process that ammonia.

Is cottage cheese good for dogs with liver disease? ›

Wonderful results have been seen using a vegetarian diet that utilizes proteins like eggs and cottage cheese. Often, dogs suffering from liver disease do extremely well on a low-protein, high-fat diet.

Is yogurt good for dogs with liver disease? ›

Other foods that can restore liver balance are cottage cheese, yogurt, sweet potatoes, and mushrooms. Adding fresh liver to their diet also encourages a quality protein with vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.

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What food should I eat for healthy liver function?
  • Milk, yoghurt and cheese.
  • Meat and fish (fresh or tinned low salt) and/or eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds.
  • Fruits (fresh or tinned low sugar)
  • Vegetables, beans and legumes (fresh or tinned low salt)
  • Grains (like breads, cereals, rice and pasta)
  • And drinking lots of water.
Apr 18, 2024

What is the best meat for liver disease? ›

Wholegrain options are healthiest. Low in red meat such as beef, pork and lamb. Choose chicken, turkey, fish, dairy or plant-based options such as beans, pulses or tofu. Higher in monounsaturated fats than saturated fats.

What are the three worst things for your liver? ›

Foods that are high in sugar, fat, and salt put extra stress on the liver. Fast food, packaged foods, and processed foods tend to contain a lot of these elements.

What natural remedy can I give my dog for liver? ›

Natural ingredients such as milk thistle, turmeric (curcumin), antioxidants and certain vitamins can help the liver heal. These ingredients support the liver's function, enabling it to do its job as it regenerates.

What meat is good for dogs liver? ›

And both types of liver are excellent options to add a nutritional punch to your dog's diet. However, if you must choose one over the other, go with beef liver. Compared with chicken liver, it is lower in calories and fat and higher in Vitamins B2, B12 and A.

Is pasta good for dogs with liver disease? ›

The other commercial food I would recommend is Hills L/D, though you can also continue with the fresh foods you are currently giving if you are able to. Personally I would add some cooked rice or pasta to the diet too. They supply readily digestible energy which should help your dog if it is underweight.


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