Hannity : FOXNEWSW : April 18, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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area 711 quickie mart area deal but does not just that it has a hoagie's you get sandwiches and cigarettes and beer, fantastic, wawa it may be native american, wawa? i don't know that's what wall wall is rick from wholesome california we have had producers comb through video to see if he is eating from the straw hopefully he seems like a straw guy we have seen it before harold from illinois the in hl needs diversity 62 percent are canadians, tom from virginia you need to watch out for your johnny that young lady was hitting on him seriously she was making love to him with her eyes disgusting should have had a viewer warning i am water this is my world.

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>> sean: welcome to hannity tonight hamas on the streets of new york city take a look. >> we are hamas. >> you are hamas? well. >> yes, we are all hamas. >> sean: well the terror group right here in our country now maybe the fbi director christopher ray may be he should spend a little less time going after tiger moms and dads and angry parents at school board meetings and investigating peaceful pro-life protesters and maybe should be spending a bit more time investigating those who openly support a barbaric terrorist group whose charger calls for the destruction of israel and they often chant up to america as well coming up tonight we bring you the very latest disruptive demonstrations from america's far left and 95 hamas supporters also tonight to words hitler paid according to

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reports this is what biden staffers call donald trump this is the adults in charge i thought we were promised that dignity would finally be restored to 1600 pennsylvania avenue the background of swami will weigh on that straight ahead but first donald trump back in court today all 12 jurors plus one alternate selected but not before a lot of drama when two seated jurors were dismissed one was let go over privacy concerns another over a prior arrest reportedly it for tearing it down right leaning put glenn advertisem*nts , whoops, how did that person make it on the jury, and get this one more potential juror who was not selected from the initial pool just appeared on ms t. in situ roast donald trump's physical appearance only in new york city. >> why were you dismissed. >> i couldn't be impartial. >> you couldn't be impartial? when the judge asked you raised

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her hand and said you cannot. >> exactly. >> what was your impression of doll trump? >> he looked less orange definitely like more yellowish he doesn't look angry, i think he looks board like he wants this to finish and go do his stuff. >> sean: let's be very clear this is a new york city jury pool summoned from the voter rolls where nearly 90 percent of all voters picked joe biden in 2020 do you really think that donald trump is able to get a fair and impartial jury in new york city? look at this headline cnn analyst says that trump would not be convicted in a nonblue area case relying on a known liar michael cohen from fake news cnn let's not forget that

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the judge is a devout democrat who donated to joe biden the da meanwhile raised money and campaigned on getting donald trump and the charges that he filed which are totally completely bogus misdemeanours well past statute of limitations this entire trial eight years later is nothing but a sham it is all designed not only to smear donald trump but do take him off the campaign trail in the middle of an election and give an open field it to every swing state to one guy only and that is joe biden and donald trump has been told that he must be in court every day or he will be sent to jail in a city that doesn't even send violent people to jail and while everyone else in this case is free to say whatever they want about the case donald trump has a gag order silencing him and this week as president trump was sitting in court biden spent most of his time in the all-important battleground state of pennsylvania although there's a big problem for joe the more that he campaigns the better

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doll trump looks because after three days of hitting the trail joe did not seem to be able or up to the job of being a greeter at walmart you know those nice people you meet at the door when you come in and say where is this footing goods deportment or the electronics department it's right over there, sir, thank you nicest people in the world i don't think joe could remember where the departments are anyway much less president of the united states of course we are getting a much different story from his campaign they feel so good about joe and his cognitive strength and how sharp he is that they put this laughable ad together you can't make it up from the biden campaign watch. >> have been a proud steelworker for 23 years and i know hard work when i see it i love to tell the story about meeting president biden because when you meet him this guy is as sharp as a knife they have nothing else to attack because they can't attack the things that he's doing that is so good for this country i see people going back

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to work jobs going to the area infrastructure being fixed up joe biden gets things done. >> sean: sharp as a knife how is his border policy working out how is bidenomics working out how is the foreign policy working out with war in europe and more in the middle east and of course joe has basically emboldened terrorists both the terror group hamas and the terrorist state iran are you sure about that anyway here was jill biden today he was at a walmart in philly i have been to wawa struggling to close a take out box and then getting quite confused while trying to order a simple milkshake, board djokovic take a look. >> thank you so much. >> take that box? i'm gonna go order a milkshake.

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>> sean: it gets far worse here is joe trading to give a rousing speech to a tiny crowd in philly take a look. >> president joe biden: the idea was we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men and women are created equal in the image of god and deserve to be treated that way throughout their lives and all the things we have done so far guess what we've cut the budget by a lot of money, hundred and $72 billion so far, i see a future with the planet where we save the planet is this guy has been busting his neck doing from climate change, literally the climate crisis in america are you ready to choose

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freedom over democracy? >> sean: mumbling, bumbling, stumbling, a lot of times making sense can you decipher every word he is saying? at least i have to give him credit in case you missed it yesterday biden told the world that his uncle was eaten by pacific islanders, bones and all , take a look. >> my uncle was a hell of an athlete they tell me when he was a kid and he became an army air corps before the air force came along he flew those single engine planes as reconnaissance over war zones he got shot down and new guinea and they never found the body because there used to be a lot of cannibals in that part of new guinea. >> sean: for real, it turns

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out for real biden uncle did tragically die after his plane's engine failed but he was not eaten by cannibals he drowned in the pacific there is no reason to law and make up a story but joe simply cannot help himself now with his mind clearly deteriorating his own tall tales are among the only things he's able to talk about extemporaneously everything else requires a note card or a teleprompter and large font and lots of guidance from his staff like wind to pause, it says pause, wind to say hello, wind to say goodbye, where to sit, what type of ice cream he'll get if he's a good little president biden is a lot of things at this point in his life but sharp as a knife is not exactly one of them, in fact joe has never been regarded as night sharp his entire career cereal plagiarized or cheated in law school still finished near the bottom of the class a short time later he became a very mediocre senator

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from delaware who made friends with a former klansman and told the party line no matter what even if that meant working with segregationists to stop the integration of public schools or slow it down he didn't want public schools in his words to become racial jungles and now he is an empty suit wearing maximum stability sneakers who does basically whatever his radical staff tells him to do they tell him what to read what to say wear to go where to stand wear to sit and win to walk away from the press which is always and this is why donald trump sitting in a courtroom as unfair as that is, biden cannot win on his own he needs all the help that he can get even if that does mean that burning down the american system of justice in the process joining us with more fox news contributor jonathan turley, there is a lot to judge just here let's start with the obvious news today of jury

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selection a couple of thanks that i find pretty disturbing in this process it certainly not a fair venue not a jury pool that any conservative or republican or anyone with the last name trump wood ever want eyes still believe he cannot get a fair trial in new york what are your initial thoughts on the trial? >> you know it sean always remain hopeful with jurors because people do take this seriously, the average person really does want to put bias aside, the problem is that you have a highly motivated people in new york and some of them i think could very well lie on the stand and not disclose their bias and the hatred toward trump is that great that it can overwhelm even an oath to good to speak truthfully and you have a host on another network encouraging jurors to lie you have people and other networks relishing the chance that people will hide their bias these

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people made the french revolution look like in aba convention and the problem here is that when you use the law in this way it doesn't protect you any more than it does your enemies today tomorrow you could be the next target that's the way history has always played out but today's revolutionaries are treated as tomorrow's reactionaries and think the people are taking a very shortsighted view when they are encouraging jurors to lie and hoping that they will just convict because he is trump what they are losing is a system that does not just protect trip put the tricks them. >> sean: let me go back to the fundamentals of this case you have a judge who's a democrat no problem but he did donate to the biden campaign in 2020 then we have the issue of recusal which has to do with his daughter and what he does for a living i would say that is six cases

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removed for sure if you look at new york state law i want to get your thoughts on that and you look at this case the statute of limitations have run out and these would be misdemeanour crimes in new york and somehow magically da bragg was able to turn them into felonies by somehow melting them into federal election law i'm not so sure that in and of itself is a legal basis i would like your thoughts on that and then the whole case will hinge on one guy for the most part maybe to certainly michael cohen will be the star witness he has had issues involving the truth in the past stormy daniels signed a document denying that they ever had a sexual relationship of any kind she signed that in january 2018 saying, people asked about it in 2006 and 11 and 15 and 16 and the answer is still the same it never happened so how does this all play out

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when you look at how can anyone look at that environment and think that's a fair venue for donald trump? >> well i think that's a course a problem i think that many people in the public see this case for what it is which is a political use of the legal system bragg is counting on many of these jurors if not all of them ending their analysis once they see who's behind the defence table that he is counting on the fact that there will be no presumption of innocence here because this is a juror pool that voted almost unanimously against trump when you are down to just 12 percent you are getting to a statistically difficult point to come up with a fair jury does that mean they can't be fair? no but no one is betting on acquittal in new york the question is whether you will have a couple of jurors that have that confidence to stand their ground that's if i was defence counsel it so i would be

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looking for someone who may not like trump but seems to be the type of person that is independent and it takes a lot in that jury room to stand against people who may have bias but can that happen? yes, it can and the question now is what is this judge going to do? one of my greatest complaints about those judge is that many of us who have been following this trial still don't know what bragg's theory is his indictment does not make clear what is the crime that trump was trying to hide the feds did not view this payment as a federal election crime and so bragg just kind of brushed over that this judge has not seen fit to really hold his feet to the fire and say let's be clear here the defendant should know with certainty what is your theory about why he wrote down that this was a legal expense the judges not doing

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that this far. >> sean: and jill biden not on the campaign trail and donald trump will spend the next four to six weeks in a court room or else threatened with jail and as of today were 200 days away from election there could simply do with degrees and wood prevail but i don't see that happening professor jonathan turley thank you sir last night we showed you a clip from my next guest who has a message for the democratic party here is a reminder. >> it's much do about nothing to my liberal friends out there all you're doing is showing that you're scared you can't beat him on the issues and demerits. >> sean: here now with more is espn host the one and only he hates to admit he's a friend of mine you can admit it just say

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it my friend stephen a smith is here. >> of course were friends. >> sean: it's great to have you i thought that was gutsy i kind of like your podcast because you'll go off into other topics besides the area of expertise that you are in which a sports you said that the first question i have is what was the reaction to that? >> i obvious it took a lot of heat to love people didn't like the fact that i said it they wish to that i hadn't and when i give a damn i'll let you know, i don't care, i will speak my mind and speak what i believe to be true and when i think about donald trump i think about this case in new york am looking at the democrats right now and again primarily i have voted democrat throughout my life but i'm disgusted with what i'm seeing because it seems to me that they are trying to use the law in the courts they have clearly politicized this thing with donald trump because they cannot come up with a strategy to offset the momentum that he has gained in at least five

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polls he is up in the polls over biden in at least five poles that i counted that is the reality of the situation despite the counts against them and the indictments against them being impeached twice and all of this other stuff he is the preventive gop nominee and you don't seem to have the issues in your favour, you believe that because of that you're going to manipulate the system as best as you possibly can to avoid him possibly running for reelection again that appears to be their strategy but i'm here to tell you it's not working it's not working at all and to be quite honest with you i don't mind the fact is not working because i may not be a supporter of donald trump but i want him to lose the correct way i want him to lose because you have better ideas and you make your case to the american people better than he does that's why i want him to lose i don't want him to lose the way that they're trying to make him lose because i actually think that the case in new york city is pretty weak if not flat-out bogus do you remember john edwards do you remember gary hearts if you remember some

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of the things that clinton has gone through now were going to talk about a hush money case that took plays while he was running for election in 2016 but he was in office until 2020 and now hear you are in 2024 months before another election that he's the presumptive gop nominee and this is what you're trying to do this is a disgrace it's weak it's pathetic and someone needs to say at the democrats need to come up with a better strategy because this is not working. >> sean: let me ask you this we look at poles who are always broken down demographically and you see this major erosion in the democratic base for biden, african-americans, hispanic americans, young people, suburban women for example i mean numbers that we have never seen before in terms of a democrat if he doesn't get his base back which i would argue he has been trying to do starting with the state of the union and is jacked up address he has no shot eddie of donald trump can hold onto five or 10 or

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15 percent of the numbers he has now hill with the next election why is that not happening. >> the streets don't seem safe and people want safety we can sit up there and lament law and order which is what donald trump used to verbalize but the fact is that the american people like law & order we want our streets safe we want to make sure that if you commit a crime you go to jail you don't sit up there and get arrested and go back out the same day he don't assault people and come out the same day that's number 1 and obviously number to the economy which is usually number 1 because people have to understand this when it comes, especially the black post, let me tell you something right now sean when you talk about the economy the black folks that means money to everybody it means money but especially to others who are no longer the dominant minority in this country that's the latinos when we talk about the economy were not talking about the state of affairs economically or even the job participation rate were talking about the money that you

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keep in your pocket when you go to the gas station and it's exorbitant prices and you go to the supermarket and milk and bread and cheese and this other stuff is exorbitantly high compared to what it once was that as a red flag to a lot of folks because the money that you keep in your pocket is what tells you weather or not the economy is flourishing or not and those are just a couple of components that come into the equation and there i say something that may be termed the most uncomfortable thing that i've ever had to articulate out of my mouth from a political perspective but i have to tell you something is much as people may have been abhorred by donald trump statement weeks ago talking about how black folks he is hearing that black folks find him relatable because of what he is going through it similar to what black americans have gone through he wasn't lying he was telling the truth when you see the law and law enforcement and the court system and everything else being exercised against him its something that black folks throughout this nation can relate to with some of our

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historic and iconic figures we have seen that happen throughout society so no matter what race what ethnicity you may emanate from we relate to you when you are suffering like that because we know that we have and that is what he articulated as unpopular as it wasn't as much as we don't like to hear it the truth and there's no way around it, those are all contribute factors to the state of affairs with the slippage that appears to be taking fold when it comes to president biden unfortunately. >> sean: you're talking about racial disparity in the justice system and you know what there has been you are a thousand percent right and it just for the record when i was on your podcast you said hannity you don't even take a breath you don't let me ask a question i'll let you answer in full delight i just want that for the record so that you remember next time we have a conversation. >> it's a miracle, a miracle and

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i brought you on when we're on audio not video slant to bring you on. >> sean: all answer why are you friends with that guy why are you and stephen buddies i don't get it but we love you, i love you, to the best stephen a. coming up biden staffers file name for donald trump has been revealed and no matter what the democrats do the polls keep moving in the right direction for donald trump the background the swamis next over continue -remember when i said we need to screen for colon cancer? -was that after i texted the age to screen was now 45? [both] because i said cologuard®! -hey there! -where did he come from? -yup, with me you can screen at home. just talk to your provider. [both] we'll screen with cologuard and do it my way. cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer

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>> sean: at this hour we are monitoring very closely for a possible is rarely response to the attack by iran last week we are hearing a lot of chatter on the internet, we are trying to get confirmation as to weather or not this is accurate or not

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as soon as we have that news is we have confirmation of anything we will switch gears and political reporting is shocking nickname for former president donald trump apparently it is now widely used by jill biden's junior staffers, hitler pig so while jill biden claims to run a campaign based on so-called decency now allegedly calling his opponent hitler pig but thankfully the american people have seen through the many lies all the latest polling good news for donald trump including our brand-new fox news poll showing biden leading in the swing states of michigan and arizona and georgia while the race is even in penciling and wisconsin another pull out of wisconsin's night had donald trump out bite to the harvard youth poll showing biden's led among young voters is now down 15 points from this time in 2020 and a new nation wide emerson poll has trump leading by three or four points depending on weather or

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not third-party candidates are included now biden is clearly concerned about those third-party candidates cutting into his support today in philadelphia he held event to keep endorsem*nts from the kennedy family amid the arcade independent run here with reaction is the former 2020 replicant presidential candidate we get your reaction to the poles i have always said that donald trump defies all conventional potable gravity because the harder they attack him and people can see they're witnessing right before their eyes the on fairness in the courtroom in new york it seems that it is not impacting the american people at all it is having the opposite effect and they pretty much have done the impossible they are taken that strong public figure donald trump and putting much turned him into a victim of a weapon eyes system of justice your reaction.

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>> my reaction is the people of this country are seeing through the biden hypocrisy on one hand he campaigned on bringing decency politics on the other hand is people are now invoking hitler to compare donald trump to him he said he would turn down the tempter and american politics were now receiving democratic artery effectively leading multiple prosecutions against elite opponent in the middle of an election i think we are seeing through that hypocrisy and everyone of these prosecutions i think is backfiring people are sick and tired of being lied to their sick and tired of the law fair i talked to me democrats or disagree with donald trump on many policies but believe we are not a country where you are supposed to use the prosecutorial power to eliminate your opponents, i think many independence and democrats are coming along you know if you could do it to trump to do they can do it to them tomorrow and we need to put an end to that and restore the rule of law in this country and clean up the weaponization of government and i think that's a message that many independents are rallying around and i think that will work in donald trump's favour for the better our country.

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>> a couple of things i will say about robert f. kennedy junior when i interviewed them i liked him i don't agree with him but i thought that he was sincere i think he's been treated horribly by the democrats now his own family turning against them and the effort to smear him is coming from within his own party and i find that very interesting and i think it's wrong that the fact that his uncle and his father were assassinated and he is a viable candidate that joe biden will not allow the secret service protection but i would argue that he deserves, would you agree? >> i agree with that and i also grew the democratic party effectively not tolerating any dissent he actually started the democrat ended up running independent i disagree with him on one thing when it comes to policy from second mammon rise to climate change policy we disagree on the substance of a lot of thanks but i respect someone who can still call the weaponization of government and

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stand for free speech and open debate in this country there is something not only that robert kennedy but many independence in this country stand for i think we need to sets of mass deportations of this country and donald trump stands for both of them one is the mass deportation of illegals in this country we need to deport millions of them but we also need to deport millions of federal bureaucrats or that washington dc bureaucracy and i think there's one candidate to his position to deliver that not donald trump but i think we can make sure as a country that second term is even more successful than the successful first term and that's where i think we are headed i'm hopeful for a landslide victory that unites this country and that's all we need to fight for. >> looks like candy has a good shot at getting on the ballot in all 50 states, but he is supporting bernie sanders climate plan to curb fossil fuel extraction obama's decision to cancel fossil fuel auction keep it in the ground a common theme of his or the decision to ban

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fossil fuel extraction in san francisco and maryland's ban on fracking et cetera calling the nra a terror group supporting the paris climate agreement that classifies china and india is developing nations who supports affirmative action he wants for example, he believes in this reimagining of the police and incentivizing them et cetera so one's called louis farrakhan no truly great partner he seems to take on all the radical positions of the new greenville democrats however why has he been treated so poorly by his fellow democrats? >> as i said i disagree with him on a lot of subjects i think i would not vote for him for you as president for range of policy disagreements that being said i think you is speaking the truth uncertain hard subjects at the democratic party views as untouchable third rails from the reality of covid policies in this country democratic

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government tax censorship but the reality is as one right answer to the question many down trump at a second term and we need to take that american furs agenda the next level ending the collusion between big technology and government actors to be able to censor sweep through the backdoor and restore the prince pulls this country was founded on that's our going to win. >> as always thank you for being with those when we come back the anti- israel additives agers illegally occupying columbia university rounded up and arrested by the nypd earlier today you won't believe who was one of the students we will explain that and we are watching possible events in the middle east and i'm very closely a lot of internet shatter have not been able to confirm a thing were watching it for you if anything breaks will let you know

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,. >> sean: earlier today nypd officers began removing zip tied pro hamas hell protesters from columbia university campus after more than a day of vile protests which included chance of support for the terrorist group hamas that's right the ones that want to wipe israel off the map the ones that chant death to america and death to israel take a look. >> we are hamas. >> you are hamas? >> you are what? >> we are all hamas. >> get out of her face. >> sean: welcome to the friendly city of new york i'm glad i got out of there anyway one of those students involved in the protest who has been

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suspended is the daughter of telling fox news that the daughter is now in police custody of alexis mcadams is outside the one police plaza in new york city where a crowd has gathered to wait and cheered those arrested and those that will be released no bail laws in new york alexis was the latest? >> reporter: let me show you what's going on here outside the nypd headquarters were watching closer here you can see the crowd they are excited because these are some of the columbia students that have just been released from police custody leaving here after they were charged with trespassing including a congress person's daughter we will walk out a bit closer you can see the nypd here on high alert we know that more than a hundred were charged but we did check in with the people short time ago who said they were peaceful in the campus but

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blame the nypd of columbia for being violent. >> we came together peacefully to assemble with love and with prayer and with respect for all human beings for the freedom of palestine in columbia university has responded with use of the nypd. >> we know more than a hundred students were taken to custody today you can see them walking here and getting off the buses and also out here live in front of the police department or they have zip ties around the wrist earlier we know 180 students did hit, you get hit rather with trespassing charges after police say they would not leave the campus for more than 30 hours and canting also setting up tents and shelters in temporary bathrooms because they were planning on not going anywhere the school asking officers come in and remove them because they did not have a success tonight the group applauding as students released from because the as you just saw you can see the student leaving here and then divide by

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friends who is suspended for involvement in anti- israel protest hit with trespassing charges here in new york they all plan to get back out on the streets to support the belting people, watch earlier tonight the mayor of new york city when asked about these protest woes going on in columbia said the comments at some of the students made to nypd officers were vile he said it should be a teaching moment for those campuses across the country when it comes to these pro- palestine protesting they have a right to be there but not a right to be disrespectful or cause problems, sean. >> sean: thank you we appreciated running his mouth reaction is the executive director of the law fair project brooke goldstein and harvard law professor alan dershowitz let me start with you now the river to the sea basically means wipe israel off the map the columbia president will not call this,

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has no problem with this being chanted she says she wishes it wasn't but she's not going to stop it on our campus i thought these campuses were woke you have professors at columbia i can name a number of them for example one joseph masada in the new york post today attended academic calling the calls to the came him fired after the october 7th attack killing 1200 hundreds taken hostage and he says it was an awesome stunning victory of the palestinian resistance the site of palestinian resistance fighters storming israel storming checkpoints separating gaza from israel will was astounding he pinned in 1800 word soa published in 20 hours ago i have professor after professor after perez u. have president of this ivy league institution that literally doesn't have a problem calling

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for the annihilation of the entire state of israel that is okay in an ivy league environment in this woke and pc era really tell me. >> it's not okay that's exactly why the law fair project is suing columbia university for its zero consequence policy for pro terror and those who sped spirit to do a little full harassment students who the good so important to look at this from a macro perspective because this is not about israel hamas, israel is a decoy of the problem that were facing it is so subversive and so deep that we needed to go look at what's going on we have the biden administration paying iran billions of dollars to murder americans we have the same administration turning a blind to the billions of dollars

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coming into this country from qatar radicalizing our students we have the same administration telling the department of education and the office of civil rights to drag kids feeds when it comes to enforcing title vi of the liberal lights act we have an outstanding complaint against columbia university from 2009 we have borders being flooded to possibly by hezbollah we have radicalization on our streets this is a huge problem and unless there is a course corrector here we are facing pollution which is a we have taken to the streets the movement i have found it with a solidarity rally of over 250 people outside of columbia university because we are going to take back the streets take back america big as we love this country and we won't allow it to be ruined by hatred and

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anti-semitism and terrorism and terrorist support. >> verlyn anti-semitism on college campuses and in the halls of congress throughout europe australia and i never thought in my lifetime we've known each other a long time one issue we've never disagreed on was the issue of israel i never thought i would hear this type of rhetoric in my life especially after what happened in world war ii and nazi germany blood and i don't use this analogy lightly same. [ simultaneous talking ] >> this is not pro- palestine this is pro hamas which is anti- palestine the worst enemy the palestinian people have is hamas these kids are hitler youth these are the same kind of people who brought hitler to power in 1933 castro to power pole popped her power malls a

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dong to power just because they're young does not mean they are not extremely extremely dangerous what they are doing is providing aid to a terrorist organization can you imagine a university allowing people to have a parallel chant of from the river to the sea imagine them saying from the atlantic to the indian ocean south africa will be free of blacks and let's return south africa to white apartheid rule, not a single student would be allowed to stay at that university but what if students said we are the kkk what if the group of white supremacist said we are the kkk this is not about freedom of speech this is about double standard the diversity and equity and inclusion bureaucracy is the incubator for anti-semitism at adrian major university in the united states and as long as we maintain this were not getting to the heart of the problem instead destroying

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american universities tormenting anti-semitism it's fomenting anti- americanism scratching anti- israeli and you find anti- american that's why these people are sharing enchanting death to america this is anti- america this is subversive in attempt to really overthrow the government of the united states. >> sean: okay scary time thank you both straight ahead chicago residents that up with the spending spree on illegal immigrants they are putting a stop to it we get reaction next your best days of the year start here, at kubota orange days. it's the year's biggest selection of kubota tractors, zero-turn mowers and utility vehicles, including the #1 selling compact tractor in the usa.

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>> sean: voters in chicago by the way rallying to derry at a city council meeting to protest mayor johnson's proposal to give a whopping two -- 70 million tax

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per dollars to illegal immigrants chicago has already spent millions on the illegals that are wreaking havoc in the city between the migrant crisis and brazen crime what residents are fed up ears would they had to say at the meeting take a look. >> our city government has basically turned their back on black chicago. >> we need that money in my neighbourhood we need that on my block. >> to align yourself with someone who is obviously a one term mayor it even he makes it that far you better be worried about your job. >> sean: here with reaction the hoover institution senior fellow victor david hanson with us and i read your column about what worked what would my be in favour what might work against joe biden's favour selection and as you look at it through the prism for example of this townhall may be explain it to people. >> i think what we are watching

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is a historic change in the political parties this issue of an open border is an elite issue, the elites wanted they want 10 million constituents or bodies basically for big government and changing congressional districts but the people don't want and they are trying to force it down their throat just like the transgender issue just like the climate change just like no bail and the people who suffer are there supposedly constituents when we come across the border they're going to lose if it's 10 million the lose 15 million voters and they are not aware of it they think they have a hold on it but what is happening is that those people in that room that are yelling at mayer johnson have more in common with people in these palestine that they do with oprah winfrey or barack obama and people in these palestine have more in common with those people in chicago then they do jeff bezos or mark zuckerberg or the biden's and

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the same is true for mexican-american people in the central valley or the rio grande valley and if you can change that racial obsession and replace it with a shared class interest that says we are interested in our american constituencies we don't like inflation we want law & order and a border we don't care about these other issues about banning natural gas or not we don't want three bathrooms we don't care about someone in mexico saying they have a right to comment chicago and get ahead of us in line at health centre this is a radical change this idea of class affinity rather than the old tribalism. >> well 200 days a lot can certainly happen do you think that the trial backfires in new york on trumpet does it backfire on democrats. >> if the doll trump keeps this split scream energy on harlem

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and in as cindy c. attacking enemies that waco and nypd officer trying to shake down donors for 26 million he's at chick-fil-a there at the white house donor yes he can do it. >> sean: well we begin our 200 day countdown from tonight victor david hanson a great article always great commentary thank you for being with us when we come back more hand to straight ahead

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6:59 pm

7:00 pm

>> sean: that is all the time that we have it left for this evening and i have some good news you can set your dvr so you never have missed an episode of hannah d. pretty good news right? better newng from abc. they've hit a site. here we go. three seconds. and good evening. i'm trace gallagher. it's 10 p.m. on the east coast, 7:00 here in los angeles. and

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