Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Adventure Begins - Wikiquote (2024)

Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Adventure Begins is a 2000 Disney animated direct-to-video film that acts as a pilot to the television series Buzz Lightyear of Star Command. Canonically this movie inspired the existence of the Buzz Lightyear toyline.


  • 1 Buzz Lightyear
  • 2 XR
  • 3 Evil Emperor Zurg
  • 4 Warp Darkmatter/Agent Z
  • 5 Dialogue
  • 6 Voice cast
    • 6.1 Star Command
    • 6.2 Andy's Room
  • 7 External links

Buzz Lightyear


  • To infinity and beyond!
  • Not today, Zurg!
  • Buzz Lightyear mission log. We've searched this gaseous planetoid from top to bottom with no sign of the missing personnel.
  • Warp, my friend, procedure is what separates us from the wicked forces of chaos.
  • Never judge a moon by its crater. We'd better double check the dark side.
  • Hmm... Well, I don't think these are the three missing Little Green Men.
  • I'm afraid these three are stowaways. Ah, blast! This won't look good in my report. [sees the LGMs wandering off] Hey!
  • This diabolical plot can only be the work of the sworn enemy of the Galactic Alliance: Evil Emperor Zurg!
  • You know, the guy's supposed to be some kind of evil genius, and best he can come up with is a ventriloquist act. What's next, evil juggling?
  • What'd I say? C'mon! You know the timeshare idea was solid, and you're jealous.
  • Please. "Experimental Ranger".
  • I am lovable.
  • XR, reporting for duty.

Evil Emperor Zurg


  • If you want something turned evil, turn it evil yourself. That's what Nana Zurg always used to say to me, and she was plenty evil.
  • [To Brain Pod #13] You're telling me my plan? I already know my plan, I made up the plan, its MY plan. [Enraged] What I don't know is how close you are to accomplishing my plan!
  • No! My plan! My galaxy! [Zurg's Lackey: Uni-mind wave impact in three seconds!] Curse you, Buzz Lightyear!
  • This is my most diabolical scheme yet! Assuming that the freakshow, known as my staff, CAN DO ONE THING RIGHT!
  • A delightful blend of man and machine, with just a naughty touch of lingonberry! I shall call you... Agent Z! [Agent Z: That's stupid.] MY MOTHER USED TO CALL ME THAT!
  • Your puny Star Command laser is pathetic. Let me show you a real weapon! The Zurgatronic Ion Blaster!
  • I shall destroy your Galactic Alliance. [presses his "Z" emblem and it lights up] But, first, I shall destroy you! Well, not personally. Hornets! Destroy Buzz Lightyear!
  • Prepare to die, Buzz Lightyear!
  • Tell me of your mindlink! Tell me your secret!
  • I must have this Mystical Orb. This Uni-Mind! Launch an immediate assault on the Planet of the Little Green Men!
  • Proper torture requires the personal touch. Or if you got it.
  • Nana Zurg would be so proud!
  • "Zurgatronic", you lackwit!
  • Did you make sure that the plus end went to the plus part, AND THE MINUS END WENT TO THE MINUS PART?!

Warp Darkmatter/Agent Z


  • [After revealing his identity as Agent Z to Buzz] My name's DARKmatter; who's surprised here?
  • Come on, buddy. Nobody ever reads those reports.
  • Ah, Buzz. If it means less paperwork, I'll take chaos.
  • Now, you're just tryin' to freak us out.
  • What PLOT?! You think Zurg is behind every kitten stuck up a tree!
  • All I know is we've searched half of the Zeta Quadrant to find the missing LGMs and what do we find?! A lot of nothing!
  • Soft underbellies, eh? Let's see how ticklish.
  • Agent Z, love it! Especially the whole "Z" thing!
  • Excellent. A chance to use this.
  • Agent Z to Zurg. They sent Lightyear.
  • Saw it coming.
  • Agent Z to Zurg. The Uni-Mind's all yours.
  • You're good. But I'm better.
  • You haven't won 'til Lightyear's out of the picture.
  • I never thought it would be so easy.
  • Not that. Lightyear.
  • Not bad, Lightyear. I should've seen that one coming.
  • Aw, come on, buddy. That's no way to treat your partner.
  • Welcome to the team, partner.
  • Have you blown a circuit?!
  • Oh, this is gonna be great for my rep.
  • Get back here! Hey! Release me! HEY! I'm Zurg's number one agent!
  • What, you're gonna jump?! Are you crazy?!
  • She's a goner.



Darkmatter: Now, you’re just trying to freak us out.
Buzz: No, it’s my worst fear come true.
Warp: Here we go.
Buzz: This diabolical plot can only be the work of the sworn enemy of the Galactic Alliance: Evil Emperor Zurg.
Darkmatter: What plot?! You think Zurg is behind every kitten stuck up a tree!
Buzz: The fiend. Why can't he leave kitty-cats out of his nefarious schemes?
Darkmatter: All I know is, we searched half the Zeta Quadrant to find the missing LGMs, and what do we find?! A lot of nothing! [notices Buzz's horrifed expression, making him point behind him nervously] There's something really bad behind me, isn't there?
[A snake-like creature called a "Crater Viper" emerges from behind Warp and prepares to attack him.]
Buzz: Crater Viper! Look out! [He charges into Warp to get both Rangers out of harm's way and they tumble down the mountain. They then get up and prepare their lasers.] Strange. Crater Vipers never hunt in packs.
Warp: [off-screen] Tell them that!
[They both fire their lasers at the Crater Vipers' mouths. Buzz then turns around and fires at another crater viper in the mouth. Said Crater Viper roars in pain and charges down in retaliation. We then go to Warp firing his wrist laser at the snake-like monsters when another Crater Viper rises behind him, taking him by surprise. Luckily, Buzz fires a laser beam at that crater viper's mouth, saving Warp.]
Warp: Thanks, partner.
Buzz: [smirks at him as to say, "you're welcome", then continues shooting alongside Warp] Looks like this moon's not so dead after all!
Warp: [while shooting] Give me a minute. It will be.
[While Buzz and Warp continue to open fire, the stowaway Little Green Men continue to wander off as they walk past the two Space Rangers and a Crater Viper crashes behind them.]
LGMs: [off-screen] The lost ones!
Buzz: [takes notice of the LGMs wandering off] What are you doing? [He ducks under a swinging crater viper arm to dodge the attack.] Ooh!
LGM: This way.
[A crater viper crashes into a hole, missing the LGMs and then turns the other way. Next scene, another crater viper surrounds Warp as he fires, who grunts and shoots at the same crater viper. The camera then cuts to the LGMs walking into a crater as two crater vipers attack them, but miss. A third crater viper ducks down at the Little Green Men and roars at them and attacks, but also misses and crashes into the ground. In another shot, Buzz shoots down a crater viper and runs towards the LGMs to protect them, but gets grabbed by another crater viper from behind with its arms as it roars. Next shot, a 3rd crater viper looks down at the LGMs and roars. Buzz sees this and breaks free from the second Crater Viper's grip by pressing the big red circle button on the left side of his suit, activating his wingspan jetpack and flies towards the LGMs to protect them from the other crater viper, who sees him flying in between the two parties as the "Buzz Lightyear of Star Command" theme plays. Buzz's wings close once he gets close to the ground and he slides across on his back and opens fire at the aforementioned Crater Viper while blocking the LGMs from its attacks. The crater viper roars in pain as it gets hit by laser beams into its mouth. In the next shot, Warp fires at four Crater Vipers. Buzz shouts at him from off-screen.]
Buzz: [off-screen] Warp, hit 'em from below!
Warp: Soft underbellies, eh? [He presses the red circle on his spacesuit and activates his own wingspan. He flies up and a Crater Viper attempts to attack him, but misses. Next scene, he presses his Star Command icon symbol and pulls out a bazooka.] Let's see how ticklish.
[The camera focuses on his hand as he blasts at the army of Crater Vipers in his sight. We then cut over to the Crater Vipers going back to their holes to reveal that they were actually a one-eyed rock monster's fingers! This mutant monster is called a "Crater Viper Slag Monster Mutant".]
Buzz: [off-screen] Of course! I should've guessed! A Crater Viper Slag Monster Mutant!
[The Crater Vipers roar with the monster mutant as Buzz and Warp look on in horror.]
Buzz: The LGMs!
Warp Darkmatter: [off-screen] Are they insane?!
[The Little Green Men walk up to the mutant monster as it growls. It then attacks them using the Crater Vipers.]
LGMs: Must save the lost ones!
[Buzz and Warp suddenly fly down from behind them. Warp grabs one LGM while Buzz grabs two LGMs. They then fly up to safety.]
Warp: [while holding one LGM] Can't you just...
Buzz: [while holding the other two LGMs under his arms] Warp, Gemini split, now!
[The camera flies into a crater viper's opening mouth, but in the next shot, Buzz and Warp dodge it by doing the Gemini split. Buzz then jumps off another crater viper's nose before flying up to a nearby cliff where Warp is with the third LGM. While Warp talks with the LGM he was holding, Buzz lands and puts down the other two LGMs he was holding.]
Warp: Any reason you were looking to shake hands with a beast from 20,000 craters?
LGMs: [walking to the edge of the cliff and pointing at the mutant] The lost ones are there!
[Buzz and Warp follow them and look down to where they're pointing.]
Warp: Oh, well, then I'd say they're the dead ones now. [The mutant looks up to them and growls angrily at them.] Let's get out of here.
[Buzz looks depressed, as if he would have to agree that the mission had failed, but then, he gets an idea.]
Buzz: Ha! I'm goin' in! [activates his wingspan] Follow my lead!
[He jumps off the edge of the cliff and flies down. Warp activates his own jetpack and follows his partner.]
Warp: I hope you have a plan!
Buzz: [while flying] No more so than usual.
[He presses the yellow square button on the right side of his suit and launches two grappling hooks from the top of his jetpack's thrusts over two sets of anime-styled speed lines. He tangles the Crater Vipers with them and Warp does the same with his own grappling hooks, having pressed the yellow square button on his own spacesuit.]
Warp: [while hovering] Now what?
Buzz: Full throttle! Hit it!
[They both press the blue square button on their spacesuits and fly at twice the usual speed of their wingspan jetpacks over a third set of anime-styled speed lines. The "Buzz Lightyear of Star Command" theme plays triumphantly as Buzz and Warp fly up as the mutant monster watches them fly up as his fingers are also getting raised up. The LGMs walk away from the edge of the cliff in the next scene, then in another shot, the Crater Vipers start choking due to not being able to breathe as Buzz and Warp struggle to fly further up. The mutant starts growling and rocks from underneath him start to crumble.]
Buzz: [struggling to fly up] The lost ones aren't in it! [The monster mutant gets lifted off the ground a little bit to reveal part of Zurg's Subterranean Outpost hideout.] They're under it! Not...enough...power! [The scene changes to the top of a rocky mountain with a flat edge.] Alright, new plan! Above us!
[Buzz and Warp aim their wrist lasers at the bottom of the edge and shoot at it, causing one of the LGMs to wobble.]
LGM: [starting to wobble] Whoa!
[Another LGM grabs his arm and pulls him back up to safety. The mutant monster sees the giant falling rock and Buzz and Warp detach their cables by pressing the yellow square button on their spacesuits and they both fly through an open hole of the rock, which acts as a tunnel for them to fly through.]
Buzz: [grunting] Whoa!
[The Crater Viper Slag Monster Mutant gets crushed by the debris as Buzz and Warp fly out of a cloud caused by the wreckage.]
Warp: That was your plan?
Buzz: Most of it. Where are the LGMs?
Warp: [sighs and points down] Take a guess.
[Both Space Rangers hover down and land behind where the Little Green Men are standing. They point at Zurg's hideout.]
LGMs: Zurg.
Buzz: I knew it.
[The camera flies down to reveal Zurg's Subterranean Outpost. The top of the outpost hideout has Zurg's logo on the top. We then go inside Zurg's outpost and slowly move across electric machinery until we find the three missing Little Green Men in a sensory deprivation tank filled with water as subtitles on the bottom left of the screen type in "ZURG'S SUBTERRANEAN OUTPOST". Next scene, we see Brain Pod #29 turning up a dial as another set of subtitles type in "TORTURE DIVISON".]
Missing LGMs: [yelling in pain] Ow! Oh! Ow! OW! Ow!
[The sliding doors suddenly open, startling Brain Pod #29 as he fears that it could be Zurg, but as the gas settles, it is revealed to be another Brain Pod, named Brain Pod #13, much to Brain Pod #29's relief as he sighs.]
Brain Pod #13: Anything?
Brain Pod #29: No.
Brain Pod #13: Oh, he's not gonna like this!
[He suddenly gasps as the sliding doors open again, only this time as the gas settles, a Grub enters the room.]
Grub: Anything?
Brain Pod #29: No.
Grub: Ooh, he's not going to like this! [He walks back through the sliding doors, but then abruptly returns, frightening Brain Pod #29.] Uh, what should I tell him?
Brain Pod #29: We have proven that the Little Green Men think and feel as one. We... [chuckles nervously] just don't know how.
Grub: [worried] Oh, he's not gonna like this at all!
[The sliding doors close again, and Brain Pod #29 has a stern look on his face. The sliding doors open for the third time, and Brain Pod #29 is rather annoyed this time, expecting that Grub worker again.]
Brain Pod #29: [annoyed] Oh, now what?!
[But, to his and everyone else's shock and horror, not only has the Grub appeared again, but also the Evil Emperor Zurg himself! He is squeezing the Grub by his metal hand.]
Grub: [while being choked] He, uh, he didn't like it.
[Zurg drops the Grub and enters the room.]
Brain Pod #13: [scared, stammering, talking quickly] Evil Emperor Zurg! Hi, how are you? The torture tank is good to go here as you can see, and I...
Zurg: Silence!
[He swats Brain Pod #13 aside, whacking him to a wall.]
Brain Pod #13: My bad.
[Zurg opens his hand, sharpening his claws and pierces them into the tank, making a painful glass scratching noise as he slides his hand down. The room then floods with water and it hits the Brain Pods.]
Missing LGMs: [amazed] Ooh. [Zurg suddenly rips them out of the tank from the cords of their helmets.] Whoa!
Zurg: Proper torture requires the personal touch. [He powers up an electric ball from the finger of his other hand.] Or if you got it.
[He shocks the LGMs with the electric ball.]
Missing LGMs: OW! [Zurg laughs evilly.] We... are one. [Zurg zaps them again.] Ooh!
[Zurg lets out another evil laugh.]
Missing Little Green Man 1: We will never talk!
Missing LGM 3: Do your worst!
Zurg: My plan exactly.
[He shocks the LGMs again as they scream in pain. Meanwhile, Buzz tries to use his laser to melt the door, but it turns out to be laser proof.]
Buzz: Blast! Laser-resistant diabonic alloy.
Warp: [pats Buzz's shoulder] Let me try.
[He walks up to the entrance and cleverly presses his back against the wall and knocks on the door, waiting for it to open behind him. The Grub from earlier opens the door, but doesn't notice Warp from behind.]
Grub: Yes?
[Warp slams the door, sending the Grub flying and crashing as he can also be heard groaning. Warp re-opens the door to allow Buzz to pass.]
Warp: After you.
[Buzz enters, but as he walks in the doorway, a voice from an LGM stops him as the stowaway LGMs also enter the hideout from behind him.]
LGM: Excuse us. Coming through.
Buzz: Get back in the ship and wait.
LGMs: No!
Buzz: Now, I know this is personal for you, but I must insist.
LGMs: No!
Buzz: Okay, we're getting into a chain of command area here, so really...
LGMs: We feel the pain! Oh!
Buzz: Oh, oh, oh, right. [to Warp] It's their mindlink thing.
Warp: How do you do that, anyway?
LGMs: [pant] The Uni-Mind.
Warp: Uni-Mind?
Buzz: The Mystical Orb that links all of LGM-kind. It's on their home world. Of course, that's need to know, classified.
[Next scene, Buzz and Warp are lined up against a wall by the sliding door with Buzz on the left and Warp on the right. Both Space Rangers are warming up their wrist lasers.]
Warp: I'm your partner. I need to know.
Buzz: Now you do.
Warp: Anything else I should know?
Buzz: No, I'd say you're up to speed.
Warp: Okay, thank you.
[Buzz presses a button that opens the sliding door and he and Warp peek through the doorway and aim their lasers. The next shot shows the missing LGMs strapped to chairs by Zurg.]
Zurg: Tell me of your mindlink! Tell me your secret!
Missing LGMs: Never!
Zurg: Oh. I'll just have to pick your brains. [chuckles evilly, then shouts for his Cranial Dissect-A-Bot] Where's my Cranial Dissect-A-Bot?!
[The Dissect-a-bot appears behind Zurg as he laughs evilly, and is about to drill their heads, but fortunately, a laser beam fired by Buzz destroys it, causing Zurg to duck down from the explosion. The missing LGMs also scream and turn away, but then open their eyes to see someone.]
Zurg: Whoa!
Missing LGMs: Aaah! [they see Buzz] Ooh.
[Zurg looks to the sliding doors to see his arch nemesis, Buzz Lightyear, entering the room by jumping out of the doorway, doing a flip and landing while aiming his wrist laser at the Evil Emperor.]
Zurg: Ah, Lightyear.
Buzz: Evil Emperor Zurg, by the authority of the Galactic Alliance, you are hereby charged with attempted dissection of Star Command personnel!
Zurg: I shall destroy your Galactic Alliance. [presses his "Z" emblem and it lights up] But first, I shall destroy you! [As he talks, yellow robots called Hornets appear in the room by falling from the ceiling doors.] Well, not personally. Hornets! Destroy Buzz Lightyear!
[The Hornets stand up as they transform and morph their arms into machine guns as Buzz finds himself surrounded. A platform comes down from the ceiling where the torture tank holding the missing Little Green Men was set up, and lands close to Zurg. The Hornets then begin to open rapid fire at Buzz, shooting all over the room. Buzz destroys a few off-screen Hornets, and as the battle rages on, Zurg gets onto the platform that flies him to the ceiling as his exit to escape from Buzz.]
Zurg: Prepare to die, Buzz Lightyear!
Buzz: Not today, Zurg!
[He tries to shoot down Zurg's platform, but the Evil Emperor gets away and reaches the black hole in the ceiling, fleeing from the outpost. Despite this, Buzz still frees the missing Little Green Men from their metal straps on their restraint chairs with his wrist laser.]
Missing LGM 1: [metal strap opens] Ooh!
Missing LGM 2: [metal strap opens] Ooh!
Missing LGM 3: [metal strap opens] Ooh!
[Buzz jumps and dodges rolls from the Hornets' gunfire and fires his laser at four Hornets, blowing them all up. He then activates his jetpack.]
Buzz: Hop on!
[The missing LGMs jump onto Buzz's wings and ride on Buzz as he takes off and flies around the room shooting the Hornets and destroying them as the LGMs scream as they fly at high speed. One of the Hornets manages to shoot an LGM off and he falls, but Buzz quickly flies down and catches him in his arms. Warp then appears by riding Zurg's escape platform down and crushes four Hornets underneath, destroying them.]
Warp: Backup?
[Buzz flies down to Warp and lands next to him, then he puts the LGM he was holding down and the other two LGMs dismount Buzz's wings and he deactivates his wingspan.]
Buzz: Always a dramatic entrance, Warp. Let's go after Zurg!
Zurg: [on TV] Not today, Lightyear, for I started the self-destruct sequence on my way out. It is a Moon of Doom now. [Laughs evilly]
Man on P.A.: Self-destruct in sixty seconds.
Buzz: Sixty seconds?
Warp: All the time in the world.
[Zurg's Hornets start blasting again.]
Missing LGMs: Uh-oh!
[Buzz and Warp also start firing again, destroying two Hornets in the process.]
Buzz: [while shooting] Get to the ship! Blast off!
Missing LGMs: [worried] But, Buzz!
Buzz: [while firing his laser with Warp] That's an order! We'll meet you in orbit!
[Without hesitation, all six Little Green Men evacuate and head back to the ship as ordered by Buzz.]
Man on P.A.: Self-destruct in forty five seconds.
Zurg: [on TV] Farewell, Lightyear! This time, you shall not escape!
[He laughs evilly, but his taunt is cut off by Buzz as he blasts the TVs with his laser.]
Buzz: [while shooting] Just watch me, Zurg!
[Buzz and Warp continue shooting and blasting down the Hornets. They both fire their lasers at two of the Hornets, which crash into a third Hornet and into a generator power supply, destroying all four of them and the room starts to collapse, causing the hideout to begin burning. A few firework whistles are heard as Buzz looks around, then is knocked forwards by an explosion coming from the roof. He gets up and notices a support about to fall on top of him and he quickly jumps out of the way and takes out the last two Hornets.]
Buzz: Come on, Warp! It's time to blow this rock!
[He activates his jetpack and runs up, but doesn't take off as he hears Warp grunting in pain. He's been crushed by the heavy debris and is stuck. Buzz tries to get his partner out by lifting up the debris so he can crawl out, but to no avail.]
Man on P.A.: Self-destruct in ten seconds.
Warp: Get out of here!
Buzz: No!
[He tries to pull Warp out of the debris.]
Warp: Go!
Buzz: [while struggling] We're partners!
Man on P.A.: Self-destruct in five...
Warp: I said, "GO"!
[He slams Buzz's jetpack button and watches him blast off into orbit, out of the outpost.]
Buzz: [shouting while flying up] WARP!
[As he flies up, Buzz tries to fly back to Warp as time runs out. Warp gives a farewell grin as Buzz flies to him, knowing he'll be too late.]
Man on P.A.: Four, three, two, one.
[The camera focuses on Buzz as he stops flying and flinches at the explosion down below. We then see Buzz's shadow as he watches the explosion and gets covered in a cloud of smoke. As soon as the smoke settles, the scene changes to the outside of the main base of operations of Star Command, the Star Command Space Station, orbiting a planet known as Capital Planet, the headquarters of the Galactic Alliance. On the bottom left of the screen, subtitles type in "Star Command". The screen fades and the camera slowly flies across the Star Command symbol. The screen then fades to Buzz without his helmet on for the rest of the movie, and is standing on a podium giving a tragic eulogy of Warp in front of six Little Green Men and all of the other Space Rangers who work at Star Command. The camera shows a closeup of him and he hangs his head in sadness.]
Buzz: Space Ranger Warp Darkmatter sacrificed himself for the success of his mission. For the safety of his fellows. I... miss him very much.
[The six LGMs also hang their heads in sadness. As sad music plays in the background, the screen fades to Buzz looking at a hologram of him and Warp catching their first suspects.]
Buzz: [voice-over, narrating] Buzz Lightyear personal log. In his crazed attempt to destroy me, Zurg has robbed the universe of a good man. [He press the backspace button and deletes "WARP DARKMATTER" from his deceased partner's locker.] My partner. My friend. [He walks down the halls in sadness.] On this day I vow no ranger will ever again fall in harm's way because of me. [As soon as he says that, the screen fades to black while he says the last words for this scene during the black background.] I... work... alone.
[The scene changes to the training room called the Training Deck, where Space Rangers train and hone their skills against a variety of obstacles, ranging from robots to lasers. Among the group of rookie Space Rangers in training is a red-haired, blue-skinned female ranger named Mira Nova from the planet Tangea. On the bottom left of the screen, subtitles type in "Training Deck".]
Woman on P.A.: Commander Nebula, report to training deck.
[We see Commander Zeb Nebula walk in. First, we see his peg-leg, then the camera flies up to reveal the rest of his on-screen appearance. Commander Nebula is the head and founder of Star Command.]
Commander Nebula: Yeah, yeah, way ahead of ya. [groans, then turns behind him and grabs the mic and talks to one of the Space Rangers.] Cadet Flarn, watch your tail, son!
Cadet Flarn: [fires his laser and then hears what Commander Nebula said] Hmm?
[He turns around to discover a robot from behind him and grabs his tail and he yells in pain as he gets slammed to a wall. Flarn then gets splattered by a gravity-defying goo gun and the goo levitates him up through a hole in the ceiling. The gun then shoots at another flying ranger as he tries to avoid them, but gets hit. Mira flies by as Commander Nebula speaks over the intercom.]
Commander Nebula: [over the intercom] You people try that kind of hotdogging in the field, and you're space dust!
[Buzz slides down a tube and lands in front of the commander and salutes.]
Buzz: [salutes] Commander Nebula.
Commander Nebula: [turns back to Buzz, away from the glass window] Ah, Lighyear! [A rookie ranger screams as he flies into the window and slides down after crashing.] I've got something I want you to see. [turns back to the window and speaks over the intercom] Alright! We're cranking it up to Level 9, people!
[The alarm sound alerts the Space Ranger trainees.]
Mira Nova: Bring it on. [More goo guns are lined up, startling her and another female ranger next to her.] Huh?!
[More robots appear and ramps pop out of the wall with 3 Rangers gasping in fear.]
Buzz: Level Nine? Commander, they're only rookies. Come on. I train on Level Nine.
Commander Nebula: I know.
[Giant bubble-like balls roll from the ramps and a male ranger activates his jetpack to fly away from one. A female ranger also opens her jetpack to take off from the rolling ball that almost traps her. One of the two rangers smiles until they notice red electric nets coming at them, trapping them and two other flying rangers. Mira and three other rangers stand together shooting when a trap door suddenly opens from under them and they scream as they fall in. Mira escapes while the other three rangers are not so lucky as they get shot and trapped by the green lasers and float up to the ceiling. A male ranger tries to fly away from a rolling ball, but gets trapped in it and screams as it traps him. A female ranger tries to run as fast as she can to escape from another rolling ball, but she also gets caught and trapped by it and floats up to the ceiling as well as two other rangers who were also caught like bubbles. Three rangers crash into a wall that comes out of the floor and then we cut over to Mira, who gets grabbed by a robot from behind.]
Mira: Hey! [She shoots the robot and lands on the ground, then looks around to find that she's the only Space Ranger left standing in the Training Deck.] Hmm.
[Buzz is very impressed and nods with approval of her skills. Commander Nebula then speaks over the microphone once again.]
Commander Nebula: Level... 10.
[Upon listening to that, Buzz looks horrified and then a giant robot rises from the floor behind Mira.]
Mira: Huh? Oh. [sees the robot behind her] Oh... Oh... [Another robot rises from the floor.] Oh-Oh! Okay.
[A third robot also comes up. She's about to open fire as the three brute-looking robots surround her, but then looks behind her to see a robot head locking onto her. Then, all three robots' chests open, revealing rapid-fire machine guns as they shoot Mira with piles of blue goo as she grunts.]
Buzz: Oh! Well, I-I guess we couldn't expect a rookie to...
Commander Nebula: [cuts Buzz off] Uh! It ain't over.
[Sure enough, it isn't over just yet. The pool of goo starts to glow and some of the residue in the form of Mira's body floats through the ceiling, but what the robots didn't know was that it was just Mira's suit that floated up and not Mira herself as the Tangean princess uses her Tangean ghosting powers to rise from the floor in her blue and green jumpsuit. She then runs up and jumps into a robot from behind, popping out in the front and ripping out its electric cord. She then jumps off and does a somersault and rips out another robot's electric cord from the front as well. She jumps off and flips again. The middle robot hammerfists the two malfunctioning robots and its head explodes, then the rest of the body falls over. Buzz is deeply amazed at what Mira just did.]
Buzz: [amazed] How did she do that?
[Mira rises up from inside the robot and dusts off her hands.]
Commander Nebula: [off-screen] She's from the planet Tangea.
Buzz: Of course, Tangean ghosting powers. Excellent.
Commander Nebula: Yeah. Let's see one of Zurg's robots walk through a wall.
[Mira rises up from behind Buzz and Commander Nebula and salutes them both.]
Mira: Ranger Mira Nova reporting for duty, sirs.
Buzz: Mira Nova? [remembers something] Strange coincidence. Isn't that also the name of the heir to the Tangean throne? I met her once.
Mira: You saved my planet once.
Nebula: Buzz, meet your new partner.
Buzz: Partner?
Mira: Sir, what you did for my people, it inspired me to join.
Buzz: No.
Mira: No?
Nebula: No what?
Buzz: No partner. Too risky.
Nebula: Ohh. Look, son, I know you're still torn up about Warp, but next time you're out there...
Buzz: And Zurg aims for me? What's to keep the princess from ending up like Warp?
Nova: Okay, hello? The princess has a name!
Buzz: Yeah, I'm sorry, princess.. (Facepalms in frustration) Mira. I work alone.
Nova: So you're gonna stop Zurg all by yourself?
Buzz: That's the general plan.
Nova: But regulations clearly state--
Buzz: I know regulations! I wrote half of them! But as long as Zurg is gunning for me, anybody close to me is gonna get caught in the crossfire!
Nebula: Noted! But Buzz, there's one thing you should know!
Buzz [Confused]: What's that?
Buzz: I'm sorry, Commander. But from now on, Buzz Lightyear flies solo.
[He gets sucked up through the tube and leaves the Training Deck. Next scene, we go to another portion of Star Command, the Star Cruiser Launch Bay. This room is where ships are docked, serviced and launched from here. An alarm is heard going off as subtitles at the bottom of the screen type in "Star Cruiser Launch Bay".]
Woman on P.A.: All personnel, clear the Launch Bay. Star Cruiser 36, prepare for launch.
[Following the announcement, the roof opens and the bottom of the rocket ship, known as a Star Cruiser, ignites and the Cruiser takes off. The scene then changes to find a giant red toad-like creature peeking his head out from behind a wall. He is a Jo-Adian named Booster Munchapper from the planet Jo-Ad, and he works as Star Command's janitor. He also dreams about becoming a Space Ranger like his idol, Buzz. He notices six Little Green Men who are not looking and he walks out from behind with an electric polisher.]
Woman on P.A.: Crystallic fusion modules needed on Pad 14.
[The LGMs turn around and notice Booster.]
Booster Munchapper: [nervously] Uh...
[He nervously hums as he polishes the floors, hoping they don't catch him snooping around.]
All LGMs: Hello.
Booster: [smiles nervously] I'm just cleaning the floor and stuff.
All LGMs: Clean is good.
Woman on P.A.: Rocket away. All personnel may return to the Launch Bay.
[The doors open and the LGMs return to the Launch Bay after Star Cruiser 36's launch. Booster giggles nervously, then sees the LGMs walking to the Launch Bay. He then walks into the Bay himself to take a peek inside and sees a Star Cruiser, much to his amazement.]
Booster: [amazed] Wow! An Andromeda Class Star Cruiser!
Woman on P.A.: Ambassador escort patrol is scheduled at 0900.
[As he takes a look at the Star Cruiser during his awe and amazement, Booster releases his polisher as he enters the room, which slides away and hits one of the 6 LGMs off-screen, making us hear a crash and him yelping in surprise.]
Booster: [impressed] This is just too cool!
[Suddenly, he gets caught by the Star Command corporal.]
Corporal: [angrily, to Booster] You there! The Launch Bay is for Authorized Personnel only!
Nebula: Blast! Zurg knows the little guys keep Star Command running! That stinkin' bucket-head. He did this to cripple our operation!
Buzz: No, commander. If that's all Zurg wanted, he could have destroyed the Uni-Mind. Instead, he had his new lackey, Agent Z, steal it.
Nebula: But why? What's he gonna do with it?
Buzz: I don't know exactly, but I believe that even now, Zurg is hatching his most diabolical scheme yet.
[cut to Planet Z and Zurg]
Evil Emperor Zurg: This is my most diabolical scheme yet! Assuming that the freak-show, known as my staff, can do one thing right!
Grub: Of course, my evil Emperor, and, uh, uh, who better to give you the good news than, uh- Brain Pod 13!
Brain Pod #13: Okay, hi, uh, Mr. Evil Emperor. How are you? You look terrif- very sinister today. We believe that just as the Unimind connected all the L.G.M.s... it could hopefully allow you to reach out... and ensnare every innocent mind in the Galactic Alliance. You know, a mind slave, evil puppet kind of scenario.
Emperor Zurg: [To Brain Pod #13] You're telling me my plan? I already know my plan, I made up the plan, its MY plan. What I don't know is how close you are to accomplishing my plan!
Brain Pod #13: Yeah, kind of an outdoor voice there. Okay, naturally, the first step is to turn the Unimind from good to evil. But, um, we don't have any idea how-
Zurg: Lamebrain! If you want something turned evil... turn it evil yourself. That's what Nana Zurg always used to say to me... and she was plenty evil.
Brain Pod #13: Evil overload!
Zurg: Nana Zurg would be so proud.
[Zurg's new mind control ray is a success]
Zurg: Another planet and it's mine! I'm not the man who knows the man! I am the man!
Brain Pod #29: Uh, about that raise, sir?
Zurg: Please. Once I enslave the universe, I won't need the likes of you. It'll be all Zurg, all the time! 24/7! Zurgie heaven!
Zurg: You see, I used the Uni-Mind to link your fellow rangers to my evil. And that's just the beginning. Soon, the entire Galactic Alliance will be under my control. [laughs evilly]
XR: You know, as a robot, I'm not susceptible to mind control, so, this really isn't an issue for me.
Mira Nova: Yeah, it'll be your issue when they rip you apart, and sell you for scrap!
Nova: I had no idea a star cruiser could pull a move like that!
Buzz: And neither did Zurg.
Zurg: I'll make a note of it.
Nova: We're surrounded!
XR: You know, the guy's supposed to be some kind of evil genius, and the best he can come up with is a ventriloquist act. What's next? Evil juggling?
Zurg: Farewell, Lightyear.
Nova: They're retreating.
Buzz: But why?
XR: Obviously, my caustic tongue cut 'em to the quick.
Booster: I'm getting a funny energy reading.
Buzz: Mira, check the hull.
[Mira checks the hull, sees a bomb and gasps in shock.]
Nova: [worried] We've got a bomb!
XR and Booster: [alarmed] A bomb?!
Buzz: [smirks] Perfect.
Zurg: At last. For too long, Lightyear has hounded me. [Buzz's ship explodes] But no more. [evilly laughs, thinking Buzz is dead]
Buzz: Buzz Lightyear mission log. By launching the Alpha One at the precise moment of detonation, Zurg believes us to be destroyed. I feel I must pause for a moment of silence in honor of my ship.
XR: Oh, please, Buzz, it was just a hunk of metal.
Nova: Okay, and you are?
XR: In serious need of some personal space.
Booster: So, Buzz, did Zurg win?
Buzz: Not a chance, Booster. I've got Zurg right where I want him.
XR: Yeah? Well, wherever he is, I'll bet he's got legroom.
Buzz: As long as Zurg thinks I'm dead, he won't be looking for me, and that gives me the advantage.
Buzz: You three take the ship, find the planets that Zurg hasn't hit yet, and supervise immediate evacuations.
Nova: What about Zurg?
Buzz: He's my problem.
Nova: He's everybody's problem.
Buzz: Mira, there's only one way for me to finish this mission: Alone.
Booster: But Buzz, that's against the rules. In the Star Command Mission Manual, it clearly states that no ranger is to go into action without backup. I think it's section 6, subsection delta.
Buzz: Actually, it's Section 6, Sub-section Gamma.
XR: He's right, big guy, Sub-section Delta's the dress code. Incidentally, why can't we have nose rings?
Buzz: Because nose rings are for punks, little mister!
Nova: Well, if you can take on Zurg alone, I don't see why XR can't get a nose ring.
XR: I was just asking a question, I'm not the one getting a nose ring.
Booster [panicking]: Then, who's getting a nose ring? [Gasps] That's why Buzz wants to ditch us.
Buzz (Angry): I'm not getting a nose ring! Nobody's getting a nose ring!! It's against the rules!
Mira Nova: Which apparently, the rules don't apply to you.
Buzz (Angry): Of course, they apply to me! The rules apply to everyone!
Nova: Great! Then you're not facing Zurg alone, and we'll be your backup.
Lightyear (Angry): [Finally growls incredibly livid and about to explode in savagely of rage] Arrgh! I want the three of you off this planet now, and that's an order!
XR and Booster: [saluting] YES, SIR!!! (They run back to the Alpha-1 While XR and Booster follow orders, Mira still refuses to listen to Buzz and glares at him.)
Lightyear (Angry): (Raises an eyebrow) Ranger Nova?
Nova: [furiously salutes] Yes, sir! [storms off]
Buzz (Angry): Thank you.
[Booster lands on Warp Darkmatter after being ejected from the Alpha 1]
Warp Darkmatter: Aren't you the janitor?
Booster: Yep!
Darkmatter: Oh, this is gonna be great for my rep.

Voice cast


  • Tim Allen as Buzz Lightyear
    • Patrick Warburton as Buzz Lightyear (TV version)

Star Command


Andy's Room


External links


Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Adventure Begins - Wikiquote (1) Encyclopedic article on Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Adventure Begins on Wikipedia

Films Toy Story (1995) · Toy Story 2 (1999) · Toy Story 3 (2010) · Toy Story 4 (2019)
Spin‑offs Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Adventure Begins (2000) · Lightyear (2022)
Shorts Hawaiian Vacation (2011) · Small Fry (2011) · Partysaurus Rex (2012)
Television Buzz Lightyear of Star Command (2000–2001) · Toy Story of Terror! (2013) · Toy Story That Time Forgot (2014)
Musical Toy Story: The Musical (2008)
Characters Sheriff Woody · Buzz Lightyear · Jessie

Retrieved from ""

Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Adventure Begins - Wikiquote (2024)


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